Yamankaradeniz elected Patent and Trademark Representatives Council President


08.09.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Patent and Trademark Representatives Council convened via video conference to elect the Presidential Council and address the current issues of the sector, headed by Hakan Ülken, TOBB Board Member in charge of the Council.

TOBB Board Member Hakan Ülken said in his opening speech that Councils carry out their work according to the Regulation prepared based on the article 57th of the TOBB Law. Stating that TOBB has mobilized all its faculties to solve sectoral problems during the Covid-19 process, and that relaying and follow-up of the problems in this context to public institutions/organizations is meticulously carried out. He also wished the new Council term to be fruitful and thanked all members for their participation. Hakan Ülken also conveyed his thanks to the Presidential Council for their achievements under during previous term.


As a result of the election, Kemal Yamankaradeniz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Destek Patent Inc. was elected to Council Presidency while Marpataş Patent Bureau Ltd. Co. General Manager Yaşar Tozar was elected as Vice President.

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