Accreditation development visits to Chambers-Exchanges via Zoom


26.10.2020 Ankara

Prior to accreditation certification audits scheduled for March-April 2021, accreditation development visits Zoom were organized using the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 13th Term Accredited Chambers/Exchanges.

During these visits, the work of chambers/exchanges is evaluated within the scope of the expectations of accreditation standard articles and improvement opportunities are identified. Members of the Chamber/Commodity Exchange Accreditation Monitoring Committee, Secretaries General, Accreditation Directors and Chamber/ Commodity Exchange employees are participating in the visits.


Chamber/Exchanges visiting accreditation development are: Akhisar CCI, Didim CC, Soma CCI, Çorlu CE, Amasya CCI, IMEAK CMC, Turgutlu CE, Sanliurfa CE, Kocaeli CI, Kastamonu CCI, Alasehir CCI, Ünye CCI, Uzunköprü CCI, Istanbul SO, Giresun CCI, Afyonkarahisar CCI, Uzunköprü TB, Çerkezköy CCI, Bulancak CCI, Kirklareli CCI, Gemlik CCI, Edirne CE, Bunyan CC, Zile CCI, Usak CCI.

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