Turkish-Mongolian CCI Forum Co-Chair Kaşka met with Mongolian President Advisor Davaatseren


29.10.2020 Ankara

Ersin Kaşka, Co-Chair of the Turkish-Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum and President of the Gerede Chamber of Commerce and Industry, met with Enkhbayar Davaatseren, CEO of Darkhan Leather Company which operates in Mongolia and is an Advisor to the President of Mongolia. TOBB and officials from Mongolia's National Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended the meeting.

During the meeting, a mutual exchange of information regarding the new Organized Industrial Zone, which is still under construction in Mongolia, took place. The CEO of Darkhan Leather conveyed that they want to benefit from Turkey's knowledge and experience regarding Mongolia's Organized Industrial Zone. He stressed that there are many incentives for investors and that they want Turkish companies to be involved in organized industrial zones.


Ersin Kaşka, Co-Chair of the Turkish-Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum, expressed his support for Mongolian companies in Turkey by providing information about organized industrial zones and incentives for companies in Turkey. He urged Mongolian investors to invest especially in the field of leather in Turkey.


The Turkish-Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum was established in 2018 by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia (MNCCI). The Turkish side of the Chamber President and its members are appointed by TOBB and the Mongolian side by MNCCI. Annual economic summits, joint board meetings, business forums, business meetings and efforts to improve Turkey-Mongolia business relations are the main areas of work of the Turkey-Mongolia Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum.

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