Turkey's Air Conditioning Council discussed legislative changes


09.11.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Turkish Air Conditioning Council convened under the chairmanship of Council President Zeki Poyraz with the participation of Selçuk Öztürk, Vice President of the TOBB Board of Directors in Charge of the Council. The main agenda of the meeting, which attracted a lot of attention from industry representatives, was the changes in the Construction Works Procurement Regulation prepared by the Public Procurement Authority and published in the Official Gazette dated September 30, 2020, and the determination of new product lists.

- Domestic goods list being prepared


After the arrangement guaranteeing the use of domestic goods in construction work tenders, industry representatives began working for the formation of a list of domestic goods in order to support the arrangement that will pave the way for the use of domestic goods and domestic production. Representatives presenting their views for the 2021 lists want to complete the work as soon as possible and forward it to the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Public Procurement Authority.


- Work on professional engineering


The air conditioning industry continues to work to establish its own internal control. Councilors want to put engineering services in a framework that is institutional, within the framework of standards, quality, sustainable, to protect both the service area and the servicer. Regarding the issue, which was previously relayed on to Fatma Varank, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanism, industry representatives who received information about applications around the world made their plans for the steps which need to be taken.


- Revision request in TS 2164 and TS 3419 standards


At the meeting, which assessed the impact of global warming on the calculations of heating and cooling external air temperature values and its impact on the product design/production process and energy efficiency, Council Members reached consensus on the need to update TSE's TS 2164 and TS 3419 Standards.


In addition, the meeting of the Turkish Air Conditioning Council discussed the latest situation regarding the Thermal Insulation Rules TS 825 Standard in Buildings, the European Green Deal and its impact on the sector and the industry ethics principles, work on which is ongoing by industry associations.

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