Commemorative Stamp for TOBB’s 60th Anniversary in circulation




The mirror Turkey’s enterprising spirit and the representative of 1.42 million establishments, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) 60th Anniversary celebrations continue with the commemorative stamp and first day cover, unique to this year.​


The stamps and first day covers prepared by the PTT General Directorate for TOBB’s 60th anniversary are in circulation.

PTT subscribers can attain “The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) 60th Anniversary” themed commemorative stamp and first day covers at PTT Central Departments and www.filateli.gov.tr.

Pictured on the commemorative stamps is the view of the Union Center in Ankara and its “Twin Towers”.

- 60 successful years behind TOBB

The largest umbrella organization of the Turkish private sector, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey was established in 1952 with 32 chambers of commerce and industry, 8 chambers of commerce, 1 chamber of industry and 20 commodity exchanges. Come 2012, it is comprised of 365 chambers and commodity exchanges; takes active part in many international organizations and has become a giant family with its women and young entrepreneur councils.

TOBB will hold its 67th General Assembly on the 19th and 20th of May, 2012. TOBB will continue to celebrate its 60th anniversary throughout the year with all of its members.

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