Hisarcıklıoğlu awarded the Kazakhstan Medal for Development of Friendship and Cooperation


07.12.2011 Ankara


As part of the 20th Anniversary of Independence celebrations, the Kazakhstan Ambassador to Ankara, presented civil society organization representatives, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu among them, and statesmen who have made contributions to Turkey – Kazakhstan relations with the “Friendship and Cooperation Medal”.​


Hosted by the Ambassador Canseyit Tüymebayev at the Kazakhstan Embassy, in addition to Hisarcıklıoğlu, Prime Minister Deputy Bekir Bozdağ, Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay, Grand National Assembly Acting Speaker AK Party Representative Mehmet Sağlam, AK Party Vice President Hüseyin Çelik, Grand National Assembly Kazakhstan – Turkey Friendship Group President Haluk İpek, Türksam President and MHP Representative Sinan Oğan, Secretary General of the President of Turkey Mustafa İsen, Ankara Mayor Alaattin Yüksel, Ankara Municipality President Melih Gökçek, Turkish Hearths President Nuri Gürgür and many high level bureaucrats and academicians were awarded the medal.

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ stated that there is a very deep-rooted friendship with Kazakhstan in his speech, “It is our wish that this is recognized and celebrated for many more centuries to come.”

Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Tüymebayev stated that Turkey was the first country to recognize Kazakhstan’s independence and that neither the Kazakhstan government nor the people of Kazakhstan have ever forgotten that. He stated that with the support of Turkey and Turkish businessmen, in 20 years, the country has made much progress in the fields of economy, politics and foreign policy.

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