“A new development model is required”


09.12.2011 Kayseri

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, giving a speech at the “Kayseri Industry Night” held by the Kayseri Chamber of Industry, said that he has come to Kayseri with high hopes after attending the Special Economy Zones Workshop in Gaziantep.​


Stating that there is a friendly competition between provinces, TOBB President said that there is a need for a new model of development with this competition.

Stating that this new model will carry Turkey on to 2023, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The special economy model started in England at the beginning of the 1980’s and was further developed in Singapore and China. The OIZs have shouldered an important role in the development of Turkey’s industrialization. They were followed by free trade zones and techno-parks. The special economy model encompasses them all. This will be on the agenda. In the coming term, incentives will be directed to this end. We will achieve this in unity and solidarity. Unity and solidarity brings grace and prosperity.

- Customs and Commerce Minister Yazıcı

The Customs and Commerce Minister Hayati Yazıcı said, “As we are governing our country, we wish for peace and security for the people of neighboring countries as we do for our own people. This is an important stance, one that cannot be measure in monetary terms. The world of the future will understand the value of it.”

Minister Yazıcı stated that the government has set its goals with 2023 in mind and not the 4 year term and that it works to make Turkey a leader.

- Suggestions to investors from Minister Yıldız

The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız stated that political stability triggers economic stability and that Turkey reaps the fruits of stability especially during times of crisis.

Stating that Turkey will develop with the strengthening of industrialists, Yıldız said, “We are continually working to supply high quality and cheap energy to our industrialists. I have two suggestions to the industrialists who are looking to turn a profit from this. I suggest that they invest in renewable energy sources and especially in the mining sectors.”

- Kayseri Chamber of Industry President Boydak

Kayseri Chamber of Industry President Boydak stated that one of the most important factors of growth is macroeconomic stability and thanked the government for the efforts put in to maintain stability.

After the speeches, institutions tax record-holders, the top exporters of 2010, the first and second 500 industrial institutions as elected by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce were awarded their plaques.

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