Creative Industries Council convened


31.08.2021 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Creative Industries Council met with the participation of TOBB Board Member Ömer Zeydan and chaired by Council President Ali Ata Kavame.

In his opening speech, Ömer Zeydan informed the council members about the council activities carried out since the last council meeting. He provided information on Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy on the details and outcomes of the visit in June. Zeydan mentioned the developments about the Sectoral Council Consultation Meeting, which was held on July 13th with the participation of Trade Minister Mehmet Muş, and informed that the “Department of Creative Industries” was established under the General Directorate of International Service Trade of the Ministry of Commerce.


Ömer Zeydan also expressed his thanks to Ata Kavame, President of the Council of Creative Industries, Vice President Nej Güvenç and council members for their selfless and diligent work.

During the meeting, a detailed presentation was made to council members about the activities carried out by the Council, the initiatives carried out at the level of ministries and the issues pursued. Furthermore, the details of the Creative Industries Award Ceremony planned to be organized by the Creative Industries Council and the subsequent Academy of Creative Industries were consulted.

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