“We established TOBB ETU in order to raise leaders who would question the system”


18.02.2012 Ankara


TOBB President and TOBB University of Economy and Technology (TOBB ETU) Board of Trustees Chairman M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that leaders emerge from among people who can question the system and they established TOBB ETU with the dream and expectation of raising such leaders.​


Hisarcıklıoğlu advised the TOBB ETU alumni to set themselves goals and strive to reach them in whatever field they work and to be the number one in that field.

Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the annual TOBB ETU Alumni Association dinner. Addressing about 300 TOBB ETU alumni, Hisarcıklıoğlu, in reference to a newspaper article published last year, spoke to the young graduates at the start of their careers, “The duty that falls to you is to fight the system. Those who fight the people are not leaders, they are small people. Those who wrote their names down in history are the ones who fought the system. You are all intelligent. You have all been given a good education at this university. Then you must question the system. Leaders arise from among those who question the system. This is what we expect from you. We established this university with that purpose, that dream in mind.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, demanding that TOBB ETU graduates, whatever field they may be working in, strive to be the best, stated that alumni should always stand united and in solidarity.

Relating how a new world order is being established during the days we are living in, Hisarcıklıoğlu addressed the graduates, “The economies of the west are buckling under pressure, as are the anti-democratic governments to the south. 51% of the world’s production has moved from the west to the east. Turkey stands right in the middle of all of these. On one side lies production; on the other, consumption. Turkey has become a star country through the efforts of entrepreneurs. We are viewed with admiration and praise wherever we go. However, certain duties fall to you, too. In our youth, Turkey was the 27th country in terms of economy. We are now the 17th. Our goal is to be among the top 10 by 2023. You gained entrance to TOBB ETU as you are the smartest students. You should set yourselves goals and set new ones every time you achieve your goals.”

Congratulating the TOBB ETU Alumni Association, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the sense of belonging to the University also fosters a sense belonging to one’s own future. Stating that the aim of the Association should be to make all graduates of the university their members, Hisarcıklıoğlu urged them to wear pins to easily identify each other. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Organized minorities will always rule over disorganized masses. In the USA, the population of Jews is 6.2 million out of 300 million. There will be elections in the USA this year. The first promise all presidential candidates make is to be staunch allies to Israel. You must learn to come together like this.”

Requesting that graduates closely follow the Association’s website in regards to its importance it has on the sense of belonging it engenders, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that democracy should be the primary modus operandi inside the Association and that for a better Association graduates should be both members and candidates with the possibility of attaining leadership through commendable projects and work.

TOBB ETU Alumni Association President Ahmet Soran made presentation detailing various activities and goals of the Association. After speeches by various alumni in diverse fields of work a teleconference with two graduates studying for their doctorates in the USA was held during which Hisarcıklıoğlu directing several questions to them. At the end of the dinner, Hisarcıklıoğlu and the TOBB ETU alumni had a group picture taken.

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