15 more chambers and exchanges have joined the “5 star accreditation” race


20.03.2012 Ankara


The chambers and exchanges which have renewed and completed their accreditation training were presented their certificates and plaques from TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. Speaking at the ceremony, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out the importance of the accreditation system which requires the members of chambers and exchanges to perform at the highest standards, said, “Our opinion leader chambers and exchanges must always be one step ahead. They should be leaders, not followers.”​


The 15 chambers/exchanges accredited in the 7th term, joining the “5 star accreditation” race, received their certificates and plaques at the ceremony held at the TOBB Union Center. The 39 chambers and exchanges from terms 1, 2 and 5 which renewed their accreditation were also presented with their certificates.

During his speech, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that they started accreditation in 2001 and that the project has finished its 10th year. Stating that with the 15 chambers and exchanges which were accredited this term, the total number has reached 100, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the process is still ongoing for 30 more chambers/exchanges.

Stating that their aim is to improve the capacity and service quality of chambers and exchanges with the accreditation project, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “For our chamber and exchanges presidents to have reached this point is very significant for both our private sector and our country. You will contact your members in your provinces and counties, sound them out and provide service so that we can, in turn, be your voice here; so that we can better voice your opinions to the Turkish business community. In this regard, we have examined the examples of the chamber and exchange systems of the world in 2001 in order to strengthen the bonds with chamber and exchange members while establishing a sustainable system. We had three main goals: Improve the service quality of chambers and exchanges; provide service at the highest standards; improve the bonds between chambers and their members. We created a system by implementing from the English and German system which we found to be the best we observed and established the Accreditation System. We did not leave off the system there, though. Like I’ve always said, accreditation is an ongoing process. That is why we continually revise the system in regards to changing conditions and needs and think one step ahead.”

- We established the Accreditation Academy

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they were determined when taking office, “We will not be doing our jobs gropingly; we will not invest in policies to find temporary solutions, we will move with a vision for the long term; we will lead, not follow; we will be active, not passive; most importantly, we will serve. This is all we intend: to keep true to our word; so that we do not disappoint you and finish this job properly. To this end, we have established the Accreditation Academy this year. The education will be handled by TOBB-ETU SEM educators. Additionally, our chamber/exchanges will be able to benefit from counseling services from TOBB-ETU SEM.”

Explaining the reasoning behind the establishment of the accreditation system, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “When we took office, only 5 chambers had English speaking personnel. If we are to serve the Turkish private sector, it would not be happening with that sort of capacity.  We kept our goals high. Remember the dark days of 2001. Economy had tanked. Even worse, nobody had any hope for the future. In those dark days, we struck out and said, ‘Turkey will be among the top 10 economies in the world.’

We said that this nation had the power to do it. Now look at how far we’ve come today: We were the second fastest growing country in the world in 2011. We are marketing over 20,000 products to over 200 countries. We are among the 7 most preferred tourist destinations of the world. While Europe has been bickering about how to overcome the crisis for the last 2 years we have provided employment to 2.5 million people since the global crisis. We have invested a sum of 250 million Dollars. This success story was written by the Turkish private sector. You did this. The Turkish private sector is a globally recognized brand. Today, our goal to become one of the top 10 economies of the world has been taken on by our nation. This is because everyone has seen the power. But if we are to achieve this we will do it through the private sector. There is no alternative.”

- Chambers and exchanges should be a step ahead

Stating that the opinion leader and umbrella institution of the Turkish private sector in provinces and counties, chambers and exchanges, should always be one step ahead, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Because the world has become such that information flows incredibly fast and everything rapidly changes. In this process, can we expect the primary representation mechanism of our establishments, which we expect to become more institutional and to renew themselves, chambers and exchanges to remain the same? Quite the opposite, our chambers and exchanges should be leading the way, pulling the private sector forward. You should be leading, not following. Be active, not passive. You will be the one serving, the one providing service. Only then will you be indispensable in your provinces. Only then will the company which wishes to step into international markets, to produce projects, to invest and export will approach you.”

- Investing in people is the most profitable investment

Stating that, as TOBB, they take every step with this principle in mind, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they put great importance on ABİGEM for project capacity; KGF for finances; DEİK for overseas ventures. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I request that you actively use DEİK representatives. Always be in contact with DEİK. Direct your companies there. As part of the capacity development strategy, we have paired up 65 of our chambers and exchanges with chambers in 20 countries. We have achieved capacity transfer. In addition we financed this project completely from the EU. Now, we are setting up 22 additional pairings. Likewise, we are also contributing greatly to the training of the personnel of our chambers and exchanges. We have trained 50 personnel as EU experts. This training will continue, apply for it. We also send personnel to the EU to receive training on site. We’ve sent 15 personnel to Belgium and we will send 15 personnel each to Poland, Austria and France. Apply for these programs. It doesn’t cost you anything. Don’t forget, the best investing in people is the most profitable investment. Take advantage of these opportunities. As the vision of your personnel broadens so will that of your chamber/exchange.”

- Chamber Academy for chamber and exchange directors will be established

Emphasizing that accredited chambers and exchanges are indispensable for their provinces and counties, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “To be accredited means that our chambers and exchanges provide whatever services that the chambers in Europe provide their members. This is a way to document quality and service.

Those chambers and exchanges which have the Accreditation Certification provide 5 star services to their members and function in regards to customer satisfaction. You provide 5 star service but you don’t let anyone know. This shouldn’t happen. Please don’t hide this document. Proudly display it at your chamber/exchange. Announce that you are accredited. Talk about it in your councils and professional committees. Tell about it to the press in your provinces, share it with the NGOs there.

Say that you work according to customer satisfaction, say, ‘Come, let me provide service.’ But the chambers and exchanges who attain accreditation from us should not think that they have reached the end of the road. Quite the opposite, now you have taken on an even larger responsibility. Now, you must always improve the quality of your service.

You will never disregard customer satisfaction. You will always work to be the best from now on.

See? We have among our Chambers/Exchanges today one that has been awarded the European Quality Award.

- Warn us

Gather requests from your members regarding improving service quality. Assess what additional services they want from us. If they state what they want, prepare projects and bring them to us. Like I said, we don’t have the ability to see everything in Ankara. But you, in your provinces and counties, can see the issues first hand. Relay these to us so that we may open new channels. So that we may provide new services to our country. I believe that this vision, this effort, this unity and solidarity will carry us always better things. Because our greatest treasure is our unity and solidarity.”

- TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete

TOBB Board Vice President and Accreditation Council President Halim Mete stated that with the accreditation project an important step in providing added value in services has been taken and efforts are not in vain.

Stating that the project has been implemented to provide better service to chamber and exchange members, Mete said that the system is built on reward and incentives, not punishment. Halim Mete stated that their goal is to bring all chambers and exchanges into the system, saying, “We must improve our service quality regarding traders and industrialists.”

- 7th Term accredited chambers and exchanges

Chambers and exchanges which became accredited in the 7th term are Akhisar TSO, Aliağa TO, Bozüyük TSO, Burdur TSO, Çaycuma TSO, Eskişehir TO, Edirne TB, Gaziantep TB, Ilgın TB, Karaman TSO, Karapınar TSO, Nazilli TO, Nizip TO, Ordu TB and  Zonguldak TSO.

- Renewal of accreditation for chambers which were accredited in the 1st, 2nd and 5th Terms

The renewal of accreditation for chambers which were accredited in the 1st, 2nd and 5th Terms are as follows:

1st Term Chambers: Alanya TSO, Ankara SO, Denizli SO, Ege Bölgesi SO, Gaziantep SO, İMEAK DTO, İstanbul SO, İstanbul TO, Kocaeli SO, Sakarya TSO.

2nd Term Chambers: Afyonkarahisar TSO, Ankara TO, Denizli TO, Diyarbakır TSO, Elazığ TSO, Gaziantep TO, Gebze TO, Giresun TSO, İzmir TO, Kahramanmaraş TSO, Konya TO, Mersin TSO, Sivas TSO and  Uşak TSO.

5th Term Chambers and Exchanges: Ankara TB, Antalya TB, Bafra TSO, Bandırma TB, Bartın TSO, Çanakkale TB, Çarşamba TSO, Gemlik TSO, Konya TB, Kütahya TSO, Manavgat TSO, Polatlı TB, Rize TSO, Sakarya TSO and Yalova TSO.

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