May Turkey be the shining star of the New Year


31.12.2010 ANKARA

In his New Year message, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu wished peace and prosperity to our country and all mankind. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkish business world will do its part to make Turkey the shining star of 2011 and added “We will work together for more investment, more employment and better living standards for our people.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated in his message:


“Each New Year is an opportunity to renew our hopes and evaluate the previous year. Turkey is one of the countries that could get over the effects of the global crisis. The year 2010 was a year for recovery and transition to growth and the star of our country started to shine again. Our common wish is the enrichment of our nation. We need trade for richness, and peace and stability for trade. Our greatest wish is peace for all mankind.
Our country needs a strong economy for prosperity, peace and stability. Our biggest problem is to create jobs and food for our people and increase their prosperity. The solution for all of these is more investment and more entrepreneurs.
Turkish private sector proved what it can do with its work for the last 30 years and will accomplish more in the future.
Our expectation is that 2011 will also be a year that Turkey’s successes will be spoken about.
With these thoughts, on behalf of Turkish business world, I wish our nation a healthy, happy and successful New Year.”

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