Hisarcıklıoğlu invited the Islamic business world to invest in TRNC


12.04.2012 Girne


During his speech at the TRNC Investment Forum, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “In a time when global risks for capital are increasing, I invite you to a field of profitable investments.”​


The opening session of the TRNC Investment Forum organized by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group was held with the speeches from TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, TRNC President Derviş Eroğlu, TRNC Prime Minister İrsen Küçük, OIC Secretary General Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, TRNC Minister of Economy and Energy Sunat Atun, TRNC Foreign Affairs Minister Hüseyin Özgürgün, TR Economy Ministry Undersecretary Ahmet Yakıcı and IDB Group President Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I would like to respectfully remember the founding President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Rauf Denktaş and all the martyrs who gave their lives for Cyprus. Grace of Allah upon you all.”

Stating that they have concluded important talks in İstanbul at the 28th Plenary Meeting of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “And, today, we are together with businessmen, politicians and bureaucrats from all over the Islamic world for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Investment Forum. It is the utmost honor for me to be meeting with you all here, in Girne, which holds special significance for us.”

- The role of Cyprus in the history of Islam

“The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is of the utmost importance for us”, said the TOBB President and went on, “It is the homeland of our inseparable brothers, of those who share our destiny. Cyprus has also played an important role in the history of Islam; it has, throughout the centuries, been the guardian of the Islamic culture in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The contribution of Cyprus as the flagship of Islam in Eastern Mediterranean to the preservation of Islam is quite significant. The reason for the unjust pressure and economic that the Turkish Republic of Northern suffers under today is due to this role of the island.”

- The Turkish side is open to a solution

Reminding that in 1960 a government had been established by the Cypriot Turks and Greeks but that this unity had been shattered by the Greek side in 1963, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “From that day forth, for almost 40 years, the United Nations has attempted to present solutions to the problem. To this day no solution has been forthcoming. Throughout this process the Turkish side has always been open to a solution.”

Drawing attention to the fact that the solution suggested by the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, in 2004 was met with a record rate of approval by the people of the TRNC, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “However, the Greek side rejected this solution. Again in 2007, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated that the cancellation of the political and economic isolation imposed on the Cypriot Turks was in line with the UN Security Council decisions. To this end, it was once again the people of the TRNC who insisted on reinitiating the negotiations in 2008. Unfortunately, those who were against the referendum in 2004 are once again working to stop the people of the TRNC from being integrated into the global community.”

Stating that the Republic of Turkey has always stood with the Turkish Cypriots against these injustices, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that TOBB has always sided with the TRNC government in terms of economy, politics and socially, that they have supported Northern Cyprus in all material and spiritual matters and that they have voiced these injustices in all platforms they participate in.

- The Cyprus issue goes beyond Turkish-Greek disagreements

Stating that it must be understood that the Cyprus issue goes beyond Turkish-Greek disagreements, the TOBB President said, “The real issue is the continuation or destruction of Islamic presence, which has lasted for centuries, on the island. Therefore the support afforded the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by the Islamic countries in the coming era is vital. In this regard, he Organization of the Islamic Conference puts great importance on the matter. I would like to thank the Secretary General Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu for this.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu also presented his gratitude to the Group President of the Islamic Development Bank, Ahmed Mohammed for organizing this forum.

- Every cent you invest in these lands will profit you many times over

Addressing the businessmen from Islamic countries, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We will continue our political struggle together. However, what we should be doing as businessmen throughout this process is increasing the economic cooperation with Northern Cyprus. Every investment made to Northern Cyprus will benefit our position in the global political game playing out in Cyprus. Nobody could erect political obstacles in front of an economically developing Northern Cyprus. Be sure that every cent you invest in these lands will profit you many times over. With its dominant position over the Mediterranean, Northern Cyprus is the most important gateway for Islamic countries to the world’s markets. If we are able to turn Northern Cyprus into our shared production basin, we will have the opportunity to market our goods to the world’s richest countries, starting with Europe.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the TRNC government is providing extraordinary advantages and opportunities for industrial investment in the Special Economic Zone in Gazimağusa and that the investments made there are incentivized in many ways including tax exemption, allocation of space, foreign personnel permits and residential permits.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that as long as concrete projects are presented, the chance to increase these investment basins exits and that the TRNC government is very open to these ideas.

- “In a time when global risks for capital are increasing, I invite you to a field of profitable investments.”

Stating that the Investment Consultation Council, the establishment of which was supported by TOBB, is a very significant step forward, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The Investment Consultation Council brings together the President, Prime Minister, relevant Ministers, bureaucrats and foreign investors together at the same table. Investors explain their problems. Swift solutions to problems are sought out. The TRNC administration handles any and all kinds of problems faced by investors firsthand. This high level consideration and understanding is the guarantee of success.”

Inviting businessmen to invest in TRNC and take advantage of the great opportunities, the TOBB President said, “In fact, in a time when global risks for capital are increasing, I invite you to a field of profitable investments.”

- “Those who invested while the cake was still small profited greatly”

Stating that Northern Cyprus presents great opportunities in the field of tourism, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “There is a very significant investment and profit environment in this field. In this regard, I see the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus the way Turkey used to be in the 1980’s. Turkey, in the 1980’s, was not a tourist destination. It was a country visited by only 300,000 tourists yearly. At the time Özal was the head of state. He saw great potential and supported tourism investors. Today, 31 million tourists visit Turkey yearly. Turkey is one of the top 7 tourist destinations in the world. My dear friends, those that saw this great potential and invested profited greatly. They are among the most prestigious tourism today. Those who invested while the cake was still small profited greatly.

Now, TRNC has the same prospective future in terms of tourism ahead of it. Moreover, our potential is much higher than it was in the 1980’s.

- “There are 7 universities operating at world standards”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that TRNC offers higher education at world standards and that there are 7 universities operating at world standards today in Cyprus, “47,000 students from many countries including Islamic countries are taking part in higher education in Northern Cyprus. In the coming era, every investment you make in education will contribute to the development of the sector. There is a significant lack in student dorms. There is serious investment potential here.”

- “Those who invest in Northern Cyprus today will open the way for greater profits”

Touching on the matter of transportation in TRNC, the TOBB President said, “At the moment, there are charter flights from 12 countries to Northern Cyprus. We must increase this number. There are no legal impediments to flights to Ercan Airport over Turkey. Islamic countries need to take advantage of this opportunity.”

Emphasizing that climate and soil conditions provide the perfect environment for quality production, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that there are very lucrative opportunities in the field of agriculture.

Stating that, beginning in 2014, water will be brought to the island via pipeline from Turkey, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “With this pipeline we will achieve capacity to transport 750 million cubic meters of water to the island. This water will multiply the value of arable land. The high quality agricultural goods produced here will provide great potential for profit in a time when food prices are rapidly increasing. Dear friends, those who invest in Northern Cyprus today will open the way for greater profits.”

- “The entrepreneur wants to move fast”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu addressed the TRNC bureaucrats: “Every investment made by Islamic countries to Northern Cyprus is the assurance of our shared future and shared success. Our Cypriot brothers will find employment in these investments. Both Northern Cyprus and investors will prosper. But we have to be quick. We must take steps to this end quickly. Because we can see that countries with differing interest in Cyprus are moving fast.

Subjectively, they are doing the right thing. What we need to do is not criticize, but to move faster than they do. Upon consultation, as I just emphasized, we established the Investment Consultation Council. All obstructions to entrepreneurs are assessed and solutions a posited. We as TOBB support these steps and contribute in every way possible. We will continue to do so. Because we know that the two factors of Turkey’s great leap over the last 10 years are consultation and opening the way for investments. This is also true for Northern Cyprus.”

- “We have great power. What we lack is common action culture and cooperation”

Emphasizing that Islamic countries have great power, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Today, the world’s biggest problem is energy; energy resources are in our hands.”

Investors everywhere in the world are searching for finances. Without finances there are no investments. The great energy born from the energy market is in our hands. The world’s second biggest problem after energy is food. Food prices are increasing rapidly. Who has the means for agriculture? Us. In terms of yield, Turkey has the largest in Europe and the 7th largest in the world. This means that Turkey has the necessary arable land to take care of all the food requirements of the region. We complain about the European population growing old. There is no younger generation to continue production. Who has a dynamic and young population? Us. I can proudly say that, now, we have the industrial accumulation as well.

Stating that the Islamic geography is the European market’s industrial goods provider, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Turkey is the largest industry country between China and Italy. Malaysia and Indonesia are rapidly becoming industrialized. Islamic countries are producing their own car. We have the capacity to build our own tanks and unmanned aerial vehicles.

What we lack is common action culture and cooperation. Remember, those who wish to derail us know very well to move together despite their differences.

For years, we’ve taught our children that the Revered Prophet says, ‘Prosperity and grace in unity; anguish in dissent,’ but we were unable to be united ourselves. That is why we never found prosperity. I will say it clearly: As Islamic countries we share a single fate. We either win together or we lose together. If everyone heads off on their own we will lose. If we come together, you can be sure that no power can stand against this unity.

We want to win. Now, all we need to do is come together around shared vision and interests. I believe that this unity will make us the winners both in this world and the next.”

- TRNC Prime Minister Küçük

TRNC Prime Minister İrsen Küçük thanked those who contributed to the Investment Forum in Northern Cyprus, jointly organized by the TRNC Foreign Affairs Ministry with the Islamic Development Bank of the OIC sponsored by Turkish Telecom with the slogan “Island of Opportunities” and thanked the OIC and the IDB for their support.

Touching on the importance of investors from OIC for the development of TRNC, Küçük stated that the decisions made by the OIC and the contributions of the Islamic Development Bank are very important.

Küçük stated that TRNC is becoming a more attractive investment zone with each day, the Cypriot Turks have conviction and will stay true to the path.

- TRNC Foreign Affairs Minister Özgürgün

TRNC Foreign Affairs Minister Hüseyin Özgürgün stated that the unjust embargos imposed on the Cypriot Turks in a wide variety of fields is the biggest obstruction to solving the Cyprus issue which the Islamic world can take concrete steps in eliminating.

As a result of a 40 year negotiation period the basic solution parameters have been clearly defined and are known by all involved. In this regard a new state co-founded by both sides on equal footing built on political equality and bi-zonality will be formed. The Cypriot Turks have always shown a constructive attitude in reaching a solution. Unfortunately, due to the Greek side’s obstinacy, a solution is yet to be reached.

- TRNC Economy and Energy Minister Atun

TRNC Economy and Energy Minister Sunat Atun stated that the conference being held in TRNC is important for informing people on events and bringing them together to form communication networks.

Atun said, “I would like to thank Mr. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu for bring foreign investors here and acting as a bridge.”

Stating that it is projected that the world economy will slow down in 2012, Atun said that this would be limited to developing countries. Atun said that even though TRNC is subjected to embargoes, it is still open to the world at large via Turkey. He stated that TRNC economy is outperforming world economies.

- Economy Ministry Undersecretary Yakıcı

Economy Ministry Undersecretary Ahmet Yakıcı said that in the last 10 years, there have been very big changes throughout the world and that lulls in development rates bring with them social unrest.

Yakıcı pointed out that Turkey overcame the crisis very rapidly with the 8.5% growth of 2011 contributing greatly to this as well political stability providing problem free finances.

- OIC Secretary General İhsanoğlu

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary General Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu said, “Investors from Islamic countries are here to support the economic development of Northern Cyprus.”

İhsanoğlu stated that was honored to take part in this event where in the TRNC government and people state their wish to open up to the world.

İhsanoğlu stated that, with this forum, it was possible to see how much value they put on fraternity with TRNC.

İhsanoğlu stated that OIC countries hold 69% of the world’s petroleum as well as 57% of its natural gas, with 23% of the world’s population and said that the trade figures between OIC members are improving and that TRNC would benefit from important opportunities.

- Islamic Development Bank Chairman Ali urged for help to TRNC

Islamic Development Bank Chairman Ahmed Mohammed Ali thanked the TRNC authorities for their warm reception and hospitality and stated that they are honored to be organizing the forum.

Stating that those attending understand the importance of investing in this island, Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali said that investor are in Cyprus to assess business opportunities and take advantage of them, with the first notice being sent to them by Turkey.

Ali emphasized the strategic position of Cyprus and stated that Northern Cyprus with its skilled and qualified workforce, scientifically and technologically equipped, is ready for foreign investment.

“With the grace of Allah, this country is growing and showing promise. We believe that this forum will succeed in initiating investments. They will be of the kind to smile on the faces of citizens wishing to see prosperity,” said Alia and stated that the Islamic Development Bank is following the results of this forum with interest and will support suggestions.

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