Beverage Industry Council discussed current issues


11.07.2024 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Beverage Industry Council convened under the chairmanship of Ozan Diren, Council President, to discuss the issues on the agenda.

In his opening speech, Cengiz Günay, TOBB Board Member responsible for the Council, emphasized that the basic principles regarding the mandatory deposit management system were meticulously discussed in the comprehensive working subgroup meetings and thanked the Council Members for their diligent work.


Cihan Korucu, Deputy General Manager of GS1 Türkiye, who participated in the meeting, made a presentation titled “GS1 System and Product Data Capture” that will contribute to the sector, GS1 data services platform, benefits for the trade ecosystem, QRKod transformation and digital product passport.


In addition, opinions and suggestions were shared on the added value of implementing the RPET system in Türkiye without waiting for a mandatory deposit management system.


In line with the positive developments in this direction, it was decided to continue negotiations with the public in an effective manner.


In addition, during the meeting where opinions on the deposit management system were received, it was stated that although the parliamentary opinion to ensure that DEKAB payments are deducted from VAT has been re-submitted to the public, it is necessary to take steps to ensure follow-up at all levels, as no results have been obtained yet.

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