Visit to TOBB from Revensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce


17.05.2012 Ankara


A delegation of 15 German businessmen led by the President of the Revensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Peter Esser visited TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu.​


Making assessments regarding TOBB’s structure and projects with the guest delegation, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu also provided information regarding their work in relation to Germany. Stating that they have close to Germany, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We are working with the President of the Union of German Chambers Prof. Dr. Driftmann and the President of the Köln Chamber Paul Bauwens Adenauer, President of the Saarland Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Eurochambres. We must revitalize the Turkish-German Business Council. There must be a platform for German and Turkish businessmen to express their problems. Germany is an important trade partner of Turkey. You could go anywhere in Turkey to find a friend of Germany.”

- The visa obstacle

Expressing that the visa problem prohibits them from doing more business with Germany, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We must remove these obstacles in order to go further together, we could be doing business together in third countries. You have information and finances; we have the entrepreneurial spirit and courage. We know the Middle East the best, we should work together.”

Revensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce President Peter Esser stated that they’ve made important contacts in İstanbul and Ankara during which they’ve had the opportunity to clearly see Turkey’s growing power. Esser said, “The most prominent problem in Germany is the lack of qualified personnel, we could work together to this end.”

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