World businessmen discuss the crisis


13.09.2012 İstanbul


Chamber union presidents from the 7 regions of the world discussed the global crisis, moderated by Hisarcıklıoğlu, at the 60th Anniversary International Business Forum organized by TOBB.​


Participating in the panel, “Continents Discuss the Global Crisis” moderated by TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu were: American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) President Mick Fleming, Ibero-American Association of Chambers of Commerce (AICO) President Ambrosio Bertolotti, Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce Constantine Michalos, Thai Trade Council President, Thai Chamber of Commerce President and Thai Commerce, Industry and Banking Joint Commissioner Phongsak Assakul, Russian Federation Commerce and Industry Chamber Vice President Georgy Petrov, Khalil Bin Abdullah Al Khonji and Uganda National Trade and Industry Chamber President Olive Kigongo.

Thai Trade Council President, Thai Chamber of Commerce President and Thai Commerce, Industry and Banking Joint Commissioner Phongsak Assakul provided information regarding the Thai economy and said, “We are laboring to overcome the crisis. Of course, our country has been affected by the crisis just like other countries.” Assakul stated that last year’s tsunami disaster has also exacerbated the effects of the crisis.

American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) President Mick Fleming said, “We have felt in every sector. This change is causing problems in various regions of the USA. Moreover, some regions were affected worse than others.”

Stating that polls in the USA are favoring President Obama, Fleming emphasized that everyone in the country believes that the system will continue. Fleming stated that their second problem is the current deficit.

Uganda National Trade and Industry Chamber President Olive Kigongo stated that he would be unable to say that they were unaffected by the crisis and went on, “However, we weren’t affected as thoroughly as you might think.” Kigongo stated that there was an increase in investments from Asia during the crisis.

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