The constitution must reflect the needs of the times


19.09.2012 Ankara


Attending the Constitutional Reform in Times of Democratic Transition international conference held at TEPAV, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, emphasizing that the constitution must reflect the needs of the times, said, “The new constitution is a unique opportunity to document the gains we have made in regards to democratic transition.”​


The experiences of such countries as Syria, Egypt, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain and Brazil in addition to the process of Turkey’s new constitution will be discussed at the conference in Ankara organized by TEPAV and the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI). The conference will end on Friday, September 21st.

Attending the conference in addition to TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu who gave a speech during the opening of the conference were Speaker of the Parliament and TBMM Constitution Negotiation Commission President Cemil Çiçek, TBMM Constitution Negotiation Commission Member Parliamentary Representatives, representatives of 13 profession organizations of the venture group, syndicates and civil society organizations which make up the Constitution Platform.

TOBB President began his speech by praying for the grace of Allah upon the martyrs who lost their lives during the terror attack and speedy recovery for the wounded.

Stating that these heinous attacks are part of a vile game being played on our country, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Those who wish to weaken our bonds of fraternity today should know that this land ferments strong ties.”

- Speaking of building the future

Stating that today’s main issue is building the future, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “In the past 10-15 years, the world has undergone a huge change and this period of change is still ongoing. We must redesign our system in order to keep up with these changes. The foundation of the system is the constitution. Representatives from Brazil, India, Bosnia and Egypt among many countries will speak during this conference. They will assess the processes of transition to democracy as a result of the rightful demand for democracy by the people of the Middle East. If constitutions do not reflect the needs of the time, becoming a leader of the future is but a dream. The condition for prosperity and riches is a strong economy and quality democracy. Our duty is to support the formation of the constitution Turkey needs and prevent harmful incidents from exacerbating the situation.”

- A perpetually self renewing society

Drawing attention to the fact that we live in a world where the mind and rationality are valued above all, TOBB President stated that the constitution does not bring humanity and freedom to the fore. In order to be one of the exemplary democracies of the world, Turkey needs to be a perpetually self renewing and reforming society, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We, as Turkey must ensure the participation of the people democratization adventure, otherwise making long term planning problematic.”

- Constitution Platform process

Reminding that, as civil society and profession organizations which witnessed the change and transformation in Turkey and organized under the name of the Constitution Platform in 2007, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that constitutional issues need to be open to discussion by civil society organizations. Stating that as 22 civil society organizations, they have toured many cities for the new constitution:

“During this process, not only did we discuss the constitution but rather, all of Turkey did and continues to do so. We will civilly talk to each other openly on all matters. We will do this without the need for experts, politicians but as citizens. Over 6,500 citizens in 13 citizen meetings discussed their differing views and expressed what kind of constitution that they want. They became Constitution Volunteers. We are proud to conduct Turkey’s largest deliberative democracy activity in its history. Furthermore, when asked if they wanted their names to be noted for when the transcriptions of their discussions were sent to the Parliament, in every province, over 90% of those attending answered with ‘Yes’.

This means that the citizen stands ready to put their names on the constitution. The people are ready to adopt the constitution which will emerge from the Parliament. The people’s determination should be an example to us all.”

- Turkey’s democratic gains are important

Stating that Turkey has undergone an important transformation in the last 30 years, Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that there have also been important democratic gains. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The new constitution is a unique opportunity to document the gains we have made in regards to democratic transition. Turkey and Turkey’s people has reached maturity. In fact, the constitutions made in the 1920’s were made with this mentality. Unfortunately there have been some incidents on the way.

Now our people wish to rekindle that spirit. Our people want to attain their own Constitution once again. They want this constitution in order to have the deed to the government in their possession. This is why the Constitution Negotiation Commission’s announcement regarding having reached a consensus gives Turkey hope. The Constitution Negotiation Commission represents each party equally and their efforts are above all praise. The agreeable approach achieved at the TBMM will be an example to other political actors and parts of society.

The intensifying continuity of these efforts will prevent tensions from hampering the process. This process must continue until a final document distilled from common sense is put forth. The responsibility of the Speaker’s and all political parties in the Parliament is quite large in this. We believe in them and trust them. We, as civil society organizations, will continue to support and contribute to the new constitution.”

- Speaker of the TBMM Cemil Çiçek

TBMM Speaker Cemil Çiçek stated that a new constitution was a public demand before the TBMM Constitution Negotiation Commission was formed in October 19th, 2011, whereas today, it has become a necessity, “We have a duty to address this necessity.”

We have a responsibility to bring this about if only for the sake of political reputation. It behooves us to bring this about to ensure trust in the parliament.”

- TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak

TEPAV Director Güven Sak drew attention to the importance of the meetings conducted to date in regards to the formation of the new constitution and that he has not once lost his confidence that the new constitution would be made. Sak stated that the “Turkey Speaks” meetings wherein people of differing views come together to express their opinions are an indicator that democracy works.

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