TOBB: “A positive step. Let us crown it with a new constitution”


30.09.2013 Ankara

Press release of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) regarding Prime Minister Erdoğan’s Democratization Package:

“The articles, which have been announced are those which the people have requested and have shown to be in need of, are an important step. This will cement the adoption of a culture and institutionalized presence of democracy in Turkey.


A matter of at least equal import as stated by the Prime Minister is that these will neither be the first nor the last.


As the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), we have always emphasized that democracy quality and strong economy are complimentary of each other. Thus, Turkey’s progress towards a more democratic state will benefit our work towards a stronger economy.


We see great benefit in crowning our democratization process with a new constitution. This way, the infrastructure for the adoption of reforms in our country will be complete.


Also important in regards to popular support is the announcement of a schedule for these articles to be enacted. While countries which we are in competition with are busy with economic crises, reforms for economy and democracy will ensure that our country will become one of the world’s top 10 economies and provide our nation with peace and prosperity.


We hope that the democracy package which has been announced will benefit our country and nation.”

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