“The goal is to market a product made in Turkey to every home in the World”


14.02.2014 İstanbul

Foreign Economic Relations Council (DEİK) is restructuring itself. While the executive board is being dismantled, a Presidential Council comprised of five Vice Presidents and a treasurer will be formed. DEİK Vice Presidents will be Ayhan Zeytinoğlu, Erdal Eren, Şeraffetin Aşut, Tuncay Özilhan and Zeynel Abidin Erdem while Tuğrul Erkin has been elected as treasurer.

DEİK and TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed that they will achieve a more dynamic management with the organizational structure. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the current economic problems would be overcome, “A day will come when every home in the world will use a product made in Turkey. I believe this.”


A Presidential Council comprised of five Vice Presidents and a treasurer will be formed due to the number of business councils, agencies and activities. The Presidential Council held its first meeting presided over by TOBB and DEİK Board President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and conducted a distribution of tasks on a sectoral and national basis.


Kocaeli Chamber of Industry President Ayhan Zeytinoğlu, Türkiye Contractors’ Council Erdal Eren, Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Şerafettin Aşut, Turkish-Russian Business Forum President Tuncay Özilhan, Turkish-Spanish Business Council President Dr. Zeynel Abidin Erdem were elected as Vice Presidents. Turkey-Eurasia Business Councils Coordinator President Tuğrul Erkin was elected as treasurer.


- DEİK shifting to greater goals


Stating that, with its new management model, DEİK will become more active, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “DEİK has achieved significant successes in the last 5 years. The founding institutions number has doubled to 42. Business council number doubled to 115. We also established DEİK agencies at chambers and exchanges – 148 of them. We have not only achieved quantitative growth. We have also created sectoral business councils and cooperation with local agencies has been formed. We have greater goals for the coming term and that is why our organizational structure needed to become more dynamic hence, the new structure. We will dismantle the executive board, instating in its place a Presidential Council comprised of five Vice Presidents with predefined duties and responsibilities and a treasurer.”


- New target markets


Stating that the primary indicators of the Turkish economy are solid, the TOBB President said, “The Turkish private sector’s power and experience is sufficient to overcome the current issues. All that is necessary to achieve this is to be more determined and imperturbable that ever before. There is no need to be depressed and focus on the empty half of the glass. We will keep our morale and spirits up. We will work harder with our business councils in order to find new clients and to open up to new markets. Hopefully, there will come a day when every home in the world will use a product made in Turkey.”

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