Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the dinner in honor of the Bulgarian President Plevneliev


28.11.2012 Ankara


The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the dinner hosted by the President of the Republic, Abdullah Gül, at the Çankaya Palace in honor of the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev who is conducting his state visit to Turkey.​


Attending the dinner in addition to TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu were, TBMM Speaker Cemil Çiçek, CHP President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay, National Education Minister Ömer Dinçer, Foreign Affairs Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioğlu, Ankara Governor Alaaddin Yüksel, Ankara Garrison Commander Full General İhsan Uyar, Olympics Champion weightlifters Naim Süleymanooğlu and Halil Mutlu, the artist Yıldız İbrahimova, businessmen, bureaucrats and other guests.

Gül and Plevneliev greeted the guests together at the Grand Reception Hall.

Expressing his jubilation for hosting Plevneliev and his delegation in Turkey during his speech at the dinner, President Gül said that the good memories of his visit to Bulgaria last year are still vivid.

President Gül said, “We are neighbors and allies with a deep rooted history between us. Perhaps the greatest of our achievements is the fact that we brought forth a strong friendship from a difficult history. The ancient cultural ties between us and the bonds of friendship we’ve preserved form the basis of our cooperation in current day.”

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, stating that he is conducting his first state visit to Turkey as president, expressed his gratitude for the hospitality rendered unto him and his delegation.

Stating that President Gül has been an instrumental politician and statesman in developing the relations between the two countries, Plevneliev expressed his respect.

Drawing attention to the breadth of dynamically progressing commercial and economic relations potential between the two countries, Plevneliev defined Bulgaria as “the perfect destination for Turkish investments.” Plevneliev said, “I believe that in the coming years the number of our joint projects in the fields of infrastructure, energy, international cooperation and bilateral interests; reaching the level of our political dialogue.”

Stating that cooperation in the field energy is key for Bulgaria, Plevneliev reminded that agreements to bring the two peoples together culturally and in regards to education have also been signed.

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