TOBB launches aid campaign for Soma


15.05.2014 İstanbul

Drawing attention to the calamitous events taking place in Soma at the 12th Industry Congress held by the İstanbul Chamber of Industry, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu declared that TOBB has launched an aid campaign for the families of the martyred miners with a donation 5 million TL. Hisarcıklıoğlu urged the business community to take part in this campaign.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As TOBB, along with our Chambers and Exchanges in 81 provinces and 160 counties, we want to support the families of the martyred miners who we consider our charges. With this in mind, we are launching an aid campaign throughout the country. For the first step, we are donating 5 million TL to the campaign. I urge all of the business community to take part in the campaign.”


Stating that, unfortunately, they are experiencing unimaginable anguish as a result of the calamitous events, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We have lost many of our worker brothers in Soma as a result of a terrible accident. I pray for the grace of Allah upon those who have lost their lives. I earnestly share the anguish of the mourning families and extend to them my condolences.


I pray for the rapid recovery of the wounded. I present my condolences to our nation. It is in times such as these that we must find solace in each other. Let us not fight. Let us not indulge in politics. Let us pray that our anguish does not grow even worse and for the rescue of those still trapped.


If there is any profit in this world unsullied by unjust gain, it is the earnings of a miner, earned at risk to one’s own life. Therefore, if there is any neglect, those responsible – regardless of their affiliation to institutions, public or private – must be punished to the full extent of the law.


As TOBB, along with our Chambers and Exchanges in 81 provinces and 160 counties, we want to support the families of the martyred miners who we consider our charges. With this in mind, we are launching an aid campaign throughout the country. For the first step, we are donating 5 million TL to the campaign. I urge all of the business community to take part in the campaign.


For it is days like this that solidarity as nation is imperative. It is on days like these that we are able to perceive just how great a nation we are and show it. It is now once again time to come together to find solace and to mend the wounds together.”

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