TOBB’s Public Announcement


23.07.2014 Ankara

In regards to the calls for boycotting various companies and goods in Turkey, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) has stated that, “Attempting to make this into an unjust campaign through misinformed and slanderous allegations will first of all damage Turkey’s economy.”

TOBB’s public announcement is as follows:


“As the Turkish business community we have witnessed to our sorrow, attempts to boycott, through slander campaigns, many international companies and products in Turkey through social media.


It is the most natural right of anyone to prefer or reject a brand or product. However, attempting to make this into an unjust campaign through misinformed and slanderous allegations will first of all damage Turkey’s economy.


International companies generate added value for our country by investing, employing, exporting and paying taxes.


Every company which produces, provides employment and pays taxes in our country is value for us. We should keep these companies outside of politics. 2023 as we move towards the 2023 goals, such gossip and misinformation in regards to companies would be shooting ourselves in the foot.


Lest we forget, various boycotts in the past which abused the sensibilities of the public reached no goals and only managed to hurt the Turkish employees of those countries.


In the face of the tragedy unfolding in Gaza, we must all focus on Israel ceasing its attacks and providing humanitarian aid to the people of Palestine instead of damaging our own economy through such endeavors.”

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