Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister Işık visit Gebze TO


17.12.2014 Kocaeli

TOBB President and the Minister for Science, Industry and Technology, Fikri Işık visited the Gebze Chamber of Commerce. Speaking during the visit, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the Gebze Chamber of Commerce is a 5-star chamber, providing the same level of service as any to be found in London, Berlin or Paris.

Stating that there are various surveys underway, Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that surveys in Kocaeli have pointed to a demand in educated and qualified personnel.


In this regard, Hisarcıklıoğlu provided information about the UMEM Project run by TOBB, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, National Education Ministry, TOBB ETÜ and İŞKUR for training personnel in order to address the needs of the business world as well alleviating the costs of employment for the employer, such as providing tax exemptions.


- Minister for Science, Industry and Technology, Fikri Işık


Minister for Science, Industry and Technology, Fikri Işık spoke in regards to various project they have undertaken including an anti-drug campaign which aims to classify drug related crimes on par with acts of terror, cooperation of Gebze Technical University with the industrial zone in the region, TÜBİTAK, TSO and other techno-zones.


Kocaeli Governor Hasan Basri Güzeloğlu, stating that Gebze contributes greatly to Turkey’s 2023 goals, pointed out that they have adopted the high-tech production model.


Following the meeting, the protocol for the building of the Gebze Vocational and Technical Anatolia High School was signed by Gebze OIZ Chairman Vahit Yıldırım and GTO Chairman Nail Çiler.


- Gebze OIZ visit


TOBB President and Minister Işık visited the Gebze Organized Industry Zone and met with Gebze OIZ Chairman Vahit Yıldırım.

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