Hisarcıklıoğlu visited the US Chamber of Commerce President Donohue


18.12.2012 Washington / USA


TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu visited the US Chamber of Commerce President Donohue as part of his Washington D.C. program. TOBB Board Vice President Bülent Koşmaz, TOBB Board Member Harun Karacan and the TOBB Delegation accompanying them attended the visit which took place at the US Chamber of Commerce.​


During the meeting, the importance of the MoU signed between TOBB and the US Chamber of Commerce was emphasized. Among the subjects of discussion were the US Chamber of Commerce’s opening of a branch in İstanbul and Thomas Donohue’s upcoming visit to Turkey. Hisarcıklıoğlu provided information regarding the transformation of Turkey’s economy and the growth it has achieved.

Thomas Donohue said, “I visited TOBB in 2001. Turkey of then was very different from Turkey of today. You were struggling with economic problems. From then on, Turkey’s economy only went upwards. Likewise, TOBB took very accurate steps and grew. Turkey has become our primary priority.”

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