Good news for the maritime sector from Minister Elvan


21.01.2015 Ankara

Attending the TOBB Chambers of Maritime Trade Council Meeting, Minister for Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communication Lütfi Elvan brought two pieces of good news for the sector. Coasters at the end of their economic life cycle will be pulled from service for scrap with incentives; additionally the assurance problem in ship construction will be addressed by extending the Credit Guarantee Fund to it.

Minister Elvan spoke on the subject: “We’ve plans to decrease freight costs paid to foreign ships and instead transfer the money to Turkish owned and flagged ships.


First, we will renovate our aging coaster fleet similar to the practice previously undertaken in regards to land transportation vehicles.


Secondly we will use the Credit Guarantee Fund to solve the problem of warranty in regards to export-focused ship production as a product. To this end, the Credit Guarantee Fund will provide additional 1 billion TRY warranty option.”


- Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked Elvan and Babacan


TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked Minister Elvan and Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan for their good news for the Turkish business community and maritime sector. Expressing the importance they put on Lütfi Elvan’s planning in regards to public-private sector cooperation, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan has contributed greatly to the process as well, “We all want a stronger economy, a stronger Turkey.”


- Council meeting outcomes


The following was decided at the TOBB Chambers of Maritime Trade Council Meeting:


“The preference for foreign colors instead of Turkish should be prevented. The transport share of Turkish colored ships should be increased while decreasing the deficit with surplus freight. Eximbank’s involvement in port and ship construction as well as transportation should be increased. Passenger transportation costs of liability insurance should be adjusted according to sectors. Training ships should be introduced in order to support maritime training. Cooperation with Maritime Chambers of Commerce is necessary in order to preserve and maintain sustainability of our bays and shores.”

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