Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister Elvan visited Mut TSO


28.02.2015 Mut / Mersin

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Minister for Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan and TOBB Board Members Selçuk Öztürk and Memiş Kütükcü visited the Mut Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

TOBB president Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that Minister Elvan has been working in regards to the roads which connect Ermenek to the Mediterranean and said, “This has made me very happy. This will bring Mut prosperity as well. The more trade increases in Ermenek, the more it will pass through Mut. Mut will benefit from this.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu congratulated Mut TSO Chair Mehmet Gürsel Aydın for the importance he put on accreditation.


Minister for Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan stated that they view Mut with as much importance as any other county and went on to praise Mut for the developments they’ve made in regards to peach and olive production in recent years. Reporting that they are addressing the transportation infrastructure needs of the county, Elvan stated that they would construct the Mut-Silifke road as a dual carriageway.


Mut Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chair Mehmet Gürsel Aydın requested Minister Elvan’s help in joining the county of Mut with the Karaman province.

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