“I am honored to lead the world’s largest women entrepreneurs’ organization”


07.03.2015 Tokat

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As TOBB President, I am particularly proud of two things. One is that we have brought entrepreneurship into the mainstream in Turkey. The other is that I lead the largest women entrepreneurs’ organization in the world.”

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, along with Tokat Governor Cevdet Can, TOBB Board Members Salih Zeki Murzioğlu and Şahin Bilgiç, Nevşehir Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chair Arif Parmaksız and TOBB ETU Hospital Board Chair Şadan Eren visited the Tokat Municipality Director Eyüp Eroğlu.


In his speech, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that it is fortunate for Tokat that they have a young municipality director of vision, “I would like to extend my well wishes to the director in the new term. This is my fourth visit to Tokat during this electoral term. Tokat is fortunate for having a young municipality director and governor of vision.”


Touching on the importance of branding, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that there is but a unifying property behind brand cities of Turkey: Unity and solidarity.


Reminding that March 8th is the World Women’s Day, the TOBB President said, “As TOBB President, I am particularly proud of two things. One is that we have brought entrepreneurship into the mainstream in Turkey. The other is that I lead the largest women entrepreneurs’ organization in the world. There are approximately 7,000 women entrepreneurs organized within TOBB in the 81 provinces. Tokat has young and women entrepreneurs. Hopefully a part of them will be together as a part of our program. The most important factor for Tokat to draw in people is entrepreneurship. This is already a part of Tokat’s spirit and culture. My one request of you is that you look out for women and young entrepreneurs, enabling them to be role models for the women and young entrepreneurs of tomorrow.”


Municipality Director Eroğlu thanked the delegation for their visit and stated that they would work to provide growth for the country, the expand the inheritance with which they’ve been intrusted.

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