Chamber-exchange presidents of 81 provinces will meet with Prime Minister at TOBB


05.04.2015 Ankara

The actors of trade and industry will find opportunity to relay their worries and suggestions to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu at the 8th Turkey Commerce and Industry Council Meeting at TOBB.

Organized by TOBB for the 8th time this year, the Turkey Commerce and Industry Council Meeting will take place on the 8th of April, 2015, in Ankara at the TOBB Twin Towers. Hosted by TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, the Council Meeting will enable chamber-exchange presidents of 81 provinces to relay the most important 5 problems and suggestions for solutions in their provinces directly to the government. It is expected that around 900 people will be attending the Council Meeting; PM Ahmet Davutoğlu, various Ministers and high level bureaucrats, Chairpersons of 365 Chamber-Exchange Boards, Council Chairs, TOBB Chamber-Exchange Academic Advisors and business people from all over Turkey.


Preparation meetings were held at each province. Issues and suggestions for solutions were determined. Chamber-Exchange Chairpersons from 81 provinces will address the Council Meeting, the Prime Minister as well as Ministers and bureaucrats responsible for the economy. The issues from the chairpersons of 365 Chambers and Exchanges will be compiled into a book, to be sent to the ministries and followed up. The Council Meeting will be the first one attended by Prime Minister Ahmet Davtuoğlu.


- Issues from all Chambers and Exchanges to be compiled and distributed to be followed up


In his assessment of the Council Meeting, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that extensive preparations have been undertaken by chambers and exchanges prior to the meeting, “Our chambers and exchanges have determined the issues effecting the private sector on micro and macro scales. They then prepared their solution proposals. All of these issues will be reviewed in depth on the 8th of April. This will be the first Turkey Commerce and Industry Council Meeting attended by PM Davutoğlu. All issues and proposals will be compiled to be disseminated to the relevant ministries and followed up.”


Stating that the Council Meeting has become traditional, bringing the public and private sectors together, Hisarcıklıoğlu drew attention to the changes taking place in the global economy. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The global economy is undergoing a critical period. The structures we’ve become used to are changing following the global crisis. Easy access to financing options are dwindling. Problems stemming from these issues are being felt throughout the world. We must focus on how to adapt and preserve our growth-employment-prosperity balances. It is at this point that the Employment, Industry Investment and Production Incentive Package and the Economy Transformation Programs announced by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will come into play, giving the economy and investments renewed momentum.”


The prior Turkey Commerce and Industry Council Meeting was held on the 7th of August, 2014, with the attendance of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. TOBB also holds the Turkey Sectoral Economy Council Meeting. The Turkey Economy Council Meeting is planned to be held in the coming days with the attendance of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

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