Hisarcıklıoğlu called for start to the FTA negotiations with Australia


23.04.2015 İstanbul

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the reception held in İstanbul in honor of the Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbot. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the two countries’ bilateral trade volume is well below its full potential and urged that the negotiations for the free trade agreement (FTA).

Stating that since the Battle of Gallipoli, Turkey and Australia have developed a warm relationship, Hisarcıklıoğlu  said, “Unfortunately, our economic ties are far behind. Today our bilateral trade volume is around 1 billion USD which is just over 0.1% of our 900 billion USD trade volume. We have more potential than these figures.


As the umbrella organization of the Turkish business sector with 1.5 million members, TOBB makes a full effort to develop our economic relations. First of all, we are expecting the start of the FTA negotiations. I believe this will be a win for both of our nations. Secondly, we can cooperate in the fields of infrastructure and services. The growing Turkish middle class demands better infrastructure and service in many sectors. Especially energy, mining and related technologies have important potential. Moreover, Turkey plans to invest 700 billion USD for its transport, education, health and telecommunication infrastructure in the next decade.”


- Invitation to Australian companies


Stating that we are waiting for Australian companies to invest in Turkey, Hisarcıklıoğlu also said that we can always build partnerships with our Australian friends to conduct business in the Middle East, Eurasia, Northern African countries and the Balkans as well as the Asia Pacific.


Stressing that he believes Turkish G20 Presidency and our B20 network will contribute to this process, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Last year, G20 Australia Presidency under your leadership was a great success. My friend, Richard Goyder as the B20 Australia Chair did a great job.


These days as the B20 Turkey Chair, I am working hard to be as successful as B20 Australia.  Today, we are with the members of the B20 Turkey Committee. Erol Kiresipi of TİSK is with us. B20 Turkey Anti-Corruption Task Force Coordinating Chair Mr. Ayhan Zeytinoğlu and Employment Task Force Co-Chair Steve Young are all here.


I would like to thank the Ambassador James Larsen for hosting this special organization. You are very lucky to have such an active ambassador in Turkey. I hope that this platform will develop in the future and I expect to see you all more often in Turkey for global partnerships.”


- Letter to Atatürk


TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Gallipoli has always been the common reference point used to describe the relations between Turkey and Australia. He went on to say, “It’s always an honor to welcome thousand Australians in Çanakkale. But this year is very special; it is the centenary of the Battle of Gallipoli.


I would like to mention a very special letter. In 1930, Atatürk received a letter from the mothers of the fallen Anzacs requesting permission to visit the graves of their sons. Atatürk replied that there is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets for us where they lie side by side in this country of ours. We will always honor and remember those who served and lost their lives in Çanakkale.”


- Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot


The Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot said in his speech, “The Gallipoli campaign was a sign that whatever happened to the Ottoman Empire, that Turkey was more than capable of holding its head high in the community of nations.”


Stating that it is his first time visiting Turkey, Abbot said, “I’ve got to tell you that I am very impressed with what I’ve seen here. You only have to get off the airplane in Ankara or İstanbul and come to the center of the cities to appreciate that this is a thriving economy, a strong society and very much a country to be reckoned with. Watching the obvious prosperity, looking at the extraordinary infrastructure, contemplating the sheer dynamism of this great city of İstanbul, which must be by far the largest city in Europe, all of this is tremendously impressive.


I know that so many in Australia, so many in western countries generally have particular attitudes towards Muslim countries, I have to say that you only have to be here for a few moments to see that Turkey is peaceful, prosperous and pluralist and that is a great credit to you, the Turkish people and to your leaders over the generations that this is so. It is terrific to be here, it is an honor to be here.”


Stating that the economic relations between Australia and Turkey should be developed further, the guest Prime Minister said, “We are G20 countries, we both have enormous potential in mining, agriculture and sophisticated manufacturing. I would think that there have got to be some very significant complementarities between our two economies and today’s gathering, I hope, which includes the pinnacle of the business leadership of Australia and the pinnacle of the business leadership of Turkey, is, I trust, a catalyst for a much stronger business relationship for the months and years ahead. I am sure that there is much that we can learn from each other.”


Following the reception, Turkish businessman Erhan Ör presented Prime Minister Abbot with a Hereke silk rug, which he expressed a great liking for.

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