Yassıada be remembered for hope instead sorrow


14.05.2015 İstanbul

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they will turn Yassıada into a monument to Turkey’s democratization process where domestic and foreign guests will be hosted, “From now on, Yassıada will be remembered for hope instead of sorrow. Those who visit here will know what difficulties we had to overcome as a country to get where we are.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, during his speech at the foundation laying ceremony of the “Islands of Democracy and Liberty” project held on Yassıada, stated that the Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has always given priority to the Turkish private sector, consulting with the private sector in order to open the way for it.


Quoting Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’s poetry, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Yassıada rests the memories of Adnan Menderes and three martyrs for democracy who served their homeland greatly.


Stating that Yassıada signifies sorrow for everyone who has adopted democracy, Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “At the same time, it is a symbol of all patriotic desires even when facing death. We did not get where we are today easily. Our country has undergone a long and painful democratic struggle. This should never be forgotten and should be related to future generation.”


Touching on the fact that TOBB was established during Adnan Menderes’ term as Prime Ministry in 1952, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “This was one of the most concrete steps towards a more robust democracy in Turkey, the organizational structuring of the private sector under a single roof. This is because economy and democracy are inseparable. Without democracy and the rule of the people, there can be no religious or conscientious freedom, no freedom of thought, no freedom of enterprise.  Without these, there can be no economy, no prosperity. Those who paid the price in the struggle for democracy dreamed of a freer and more prosperous Turkey. As democracy gains strength, this dream became a reality. Seeds sown in 1952 grew rapidly, becoming a giant sycamore. We had 500 members 63 years ago, today we have 1.5 million. Per capita income was 200 USD; it has exceeded 10,000 USD. We exported 260 million USD worth of goods; this has increased to 160 billion USD. The share of goods of industrial nature in our total exports used to be 1%, whereas today it has increased to 94%. Turkey has become the strongest industry between Italy and China. Receiving foreign aid 63 years ago, today we are one of the countries with the most aid provided to poorer regions, providing aid to every part of the world.”


- “We are repaying a debt of gratitude”


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the Customs and Tourism Enterprises Inc., established by TOBB with the partnership of 137 chambers and exchanges, has undertaken important endeavors to date including the modernization of customs gates, taking on the role of caretaker for the Selimiye Mosque as well as founding the Selimiye Foundation.


TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they are repaying their debt to Adnan Menderes and all martyrs for democracy, “Appointed by our government, we are taking a step to transform Yassıada, an island remembered as a strike against democratization in Turkey, into Democracy Island. The project we’ve been given will see the rebuilding of Yassıada, turning this island which no one visits into an island where domestic and foreign guests will be hosted to witness the democratization process of Turkey. From now on, Yassıada will be remembered for hope instead of sorrow. Those who visit here will know what difficulties we had to overcome as a country to get where we are. Yassıada will be remembered for democracy and liberty; becoming a symbol for national will and democracy. It will be a milestone on the path to greater goals.


- Prime Minister Davutoğlu


Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu stated that the court in Yassıada would be preserved as is for posterity. Davutoğlu stressed four major points. He stated that Yassıada and Sivriada should be preserved with their memories for posterity, forming a warning.


Secondly, the Prime Minister stated that the residence of the English Legate Bulwer in 1856 would also be preserved.


Thirdly, the renovation and repurposing of the area would not see trees cut down, and even if it was unavoidable, these trees would be replaced.


Fourthly, the endeavors which they undertake to realize this project will be based on democracy and liberty.


PM Davutoğlu reported that there would be place for entertainment to preserve the gravitas of the location, planned to become a location for congress, arbitration and consultation akin to Camp David.


Thanking the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Minister of Culture and Tourism Ömer Çelik and the Minister for Environment and Urbanism İdris Güllüce, TOBB officials and other organizations for their contributions to the project, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu stated that this auspicious beginning would provide lessons for future generations.


- Culture and Tourism Minister Çelik


Culture and Tourism Minister Ömer Çelik said, “The lighthouse we build on Yassıada Democracy and Liberty Island will inspire the nations of the world and show them the way.”


Çelik went on to provide details for the museum and facilities planned to be built on the island as a memorial, stating that the lessons learned here by our nation would provide vision for the future.


Çelik thanked the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Minister for Environment and Urbanism İdris Güllüce, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, AK Party Vice President Süleyman Soylu, AK Party PM Candidates Mücahit Arslan and Çiğdem Karaaslan for their contributions to the project.

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