“May Miraj Kandil bring beneficence to all Muslims”


15.05.2015 Ankara

In his press release regarding Miraj Kandil, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Miraj is ascension, “It is the ascension of the Prophet Muhammed beyond all mortal faults, may its anniversary bring beneficence to all Muslims.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his message:

“The night of Miraj is one of the holy nights wherein grace and beneficence abound. Our Dear Prophet witnessed the infinity, greatness and unity of Allah. This night is the joyous herald of the acceptance of those who revere no god other than Allah into heaven and the absolving of their sins.

I pray that the Miraj Kandil brings happiness, peace and joy to all of our nation and Muslims worldwide.

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