Kapıkule TIR Park opened


09.10.2015 Edirne

In his speech at the opening of the Kapıkule TIR Park, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the park is a great necessity for Edirne and that TIR drivers finally have access to a modern automated system.

Built by Customs and Tourism Enterprises Inc. (GTİ), the opening of the Kapıkule TIR Park, which will provide a modern and safe place to await processing at the Kapıkule Customs Gate, was attended by TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and TOBB Board Members as well as Minister of Health Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, Customs and Commerce Minister Cenap Aşcı, Edirne Governor Dursun Ali Şahin, Kırklareli Governor Esengül Civelek, Edirne Mayor Recep Gürkan in addition to many chamber and exchange presidents.

Emphasizing the importance of Edirne for TOBB, Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that 5 large investments have been made into Edirne for this reason: The restoration and preservation of the historical Selimiye Mosque, Kapıkule Customs Gate modernization, establishment of the Selimiye Foundation, the construction of a four year faculty in Edirne and lastly, the Kapıkule TIR Park.

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the park is a great necessity for Edirne and that TIR drivers finally have access to a modern automated system just like their counterparts in Europe. Stating that Kapıkule is the largest customs gate in Turkey and the second largest in the world, Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed that the Kapıkule Customs Gate is handling most of Turkey’s exports.

“We owe the enduring TIR drivers who carry the goods of the companies who bring prosperity to the country. The long TIR waiting lines at the Kapıkule Customs Gate were the subject of TV news many times in addition to exacerbating freight costs.

These lines also caused our TIRs to receive tachograph fines in European countries, causing distress for drivers, vehicles and the residents of Edirne. Having to wait three or four days with no access to even sanitary facilities resulted in unseemly scenes. These are hopefully all behind us now.”

- An end to anachronistic scenes

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that the TIR Park would cover 93,000 square meters, able to host 276 TIRs at a time. The park will boast an automation system with each driver receiving a beeper which will direct them to where they should be parking their vehicles as well as notifying them how much time they have until they are passed through the gates. There will also be facilities where drivers can take care of their sanitary needs, eat and rest. Additionally there will be repair and maintenance facilities for their vehicles in addition to an administration section where all necessary paperwork for international trade can be completed.

Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that TOBB has invested in 7 customs gates to date (Kapıkule, Hamzabeyli, İpsala, Habur, Sarp, Nusaybin and Cilvegözü) and that their investments into the Halkalı Domestic Customs and Çıldır-Aktaş, Dilucu and Esendere Customs Gates have been completed and will being operations in 2015.

Total of investments made have reached 725 million TRY with 372 million TRY paid in taxes, effectively saving the government 1 billion TRY. As a result of the modernization efforts, industrialists and exporters have saved 410 million TRY. These modernization efforts have been selected as Best Practice by the United Nations. They have resulted in moving up 9 places to 30th on the World Bank Logistical Index, “All of this has been done without taking a single centime out of the treasury.”

- Other speakers

Customs and Commerce Minister Cenap Aşcı reported that the Dereköy Customs Gate opened in Kırklareli would open to TIR passage to Bulgaria soon.

Customs and Tourism Enterprises Inc. (GTİ) Board President Arif Parmaksız stated that the Kapıkule Customs Gate TIR Parkı has been completed with the built-operate-transfer model.

Edirne Governor Dursun Ali Şahin reported that many investments have been made into the city and even more are underway with the contributions of the Minister of Health, Mehmet Müezzinoğlu.

Edirne Mayor Recep Gürkan stated that the TIR Park at the Kapıkule Customs Gate was a much needed facility for a long time.

Following the speeches, Ministry of Health Müezzinoğlu, Customs and Commerce Minister Aşcı, Governors Şahin and Civelek, Edirne Mayor Gürkan and TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu cut the ribbon to the TIR Park.

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