Visit by Medical Assembly to Mr. Ali Babacan



TOBB Medical Assembly discussed sectoral issues and expectations by visiting Mr. Ali Babacan, State Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, under presidency of Özgür İncekara, President of the Assembly. Metin Demir, Vice President of the Medical Assembly has also involved in this visit. ​

​During this dialogue, Özgür İncekara, Chairman of the Assembly stated that bulk purchase done by Ministry of Health impedes growth and development of the sector and also in order to ensure growth of the sector, purchases should be left to market dynamics. In addition, he stated that stamp tax is collected from domestic firms twice after paymet order, following collection of stamp tax over contract value in accordance with Public Procurement contracts so that this situation causes an increase in total stamp tax burden paid as a result of the tender together with tax of award and thus it causes an unfair competition. By considering collection of stamp tax should be reviewed, he stated that stamp tax should be equal for both domestic and foreign bidder under any circumstances within the scope of public procurement contracts. Assembly member Metin Demir also stated that deduction of Supporting Fund for Use of Resources in Export (KKDF) constitutes a significant impediment and ruling out this deduction would support the sector in import of medical devices with investment and social purposes.

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