Turkey – EU JAC Members visited Hak-iş Chair Arslan


22.12.2015 Ankara

Lead by Hisarcıklıoğlu, the Turkey – EU Joint Arbitration Committee (JAC) delegation visited Mahmut Arslan who was reelected as Hak-İş Chairman at his office. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that they have in cooperation with Hak-İş and said, “I would like to thank the Chairman for Hak-İş’ contributions to social accord and dialogue under his leadership. We are overjoyed to be working together again.”

In his speech on behalf of the delegation, Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that they have been working in close cooperation with Hak-İş in regards to laborer-employer relations in the EU accession process, “We’ve come to extend our congratulations to Mahmut Arslan who has been reelected as Chairman for Hak-İş.

We are always in contact with Hak-İş. We are always working in cooperation for the social accord in our nation. Hak-İş has important contributions to this. We thank Hak-İş for their contributions to social accord and dialogue. We wish them success in the future. We are overjoyed to be working together again.”

Hak-İş Chairman Mahmut Arslan  touched on the importance of the Turkey – EU JAC. Stating that they’ve done much together, Arslan said that there is still a long way to go.

Turkey Bars Union (TBB) Chair Metin Feyzioğlu, Memur-Sen Chair Ali Yalçın and Türkiye Kamu-Sen Chair İsmail Koncuk also spoke during the visit, touching on such issues as the need for solidarity, the contributions and efforts of Hak-İş and the necessity of avoiding conflict which has overtaken the rest of the Middle East.

During the visit Hak-İş Chair Arslan presented Hisarcıklıoğlu with a vase bearing the Hak-İş logo.

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