“May Qadr Night bring prosperity to our country and nation”


01.07.2016 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his Qadr Night message in which the Quran began to delivered, stated that Qadr Night is more prosperous than a thousand months; that all gates for grace and prosperity are opened.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his message:

“To be experiencing Qadr Night, the night at the heart of Ramadan, the season of grace, mercy and purification, brings us great joy and happiness.

The source of our true path, the Quran began to be delivered unto our beloved Prophet on this night; it is a great opportunity to attain grace, prosperity, forgiveness and maturity.

Qadr Night is the night in which the prayers of the Islamic community, will hopefully be brought to fruition by Allah.

Our wish is that all people, especially Muslims, suffering throughout the world will attain prosperity; that there is an end to killing, suffering and pain; that peace and solidarity reign; that places suffering famine and poverty find a bright prosperous future.

It is with these thoughts and feelings that I hope that Qadr Night will bring prosperity to our country and nation as well as mercy, justice and peace to the world.”

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