Happy Cabotage Day


01.07.2016 Ankara

In his celebratory message regarding the July 1st Cabotage Day, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkey, surrounded on three sides by seas, has important opportunities in regards to maritime endeavors, “We are proud of our achievements in this field. However our goals are even greater and we have the power to bring them to reality. What befits us is to be a world star in this field.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his message:

“The most natural and important right of a nation is to carry goods and passengers between its ports. Our country, surrounded on three sides with seas attained this right with the Cabotage Law of 1926, declaring sovereignty and freedom in its waters, setting the stage for important developments.

This year, like every year, we celebrate this on July 1st with great pride.

The Turkish maritime sector is achieving great success in both shipbuilding and transportation. It will continue to serve as one of most important driving forces in reaching our 2023 goals.

It is with these thoughts and feelings that I congratulate the Cabotage Day of all our mariners and nation.”

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