TOBB’s aid campaign for democracy martyrs reaches 27m TRY


31.08.2016 Ankara

Speaking at the Joint Council Meeting, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that TOBB’s aid campaign for democracy martyrs has reached 27 million TRY. Stating that the campaign is still underway, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “This community has once again broken records in the campaign began by our government for the veterans and martyrs of the historic fight for democracy. TOBB, with its Chambers and Exchanges, has collected 27 million Turkish liras in donations and continues to collect more. I am immensely proud of this community.”

TOBB Chambers of Commerce and Industry Council, TOBB Chambers of Commerce Council, TOBB Industry Chambers Council, TOBB Maritime Trade Chambers Council and TOBB Commodity Exchanges Council Joint Meeting was held at the TOBB Twin Towers with the attendances of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Customs and Commerce Minister Bülent Tüfenkci and Council Chairpersons.


Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his speech, “We witnessed the heinous acts of the Fethullahist Terror Organization (FETÖ) on July 15th. This was an unprecedented stress test for both politics and the economy in Turkey. Through the wisdom of our people, we have successfully passed this test.”


- Activities in 3 categories


Stating that TOBB has contributed to the official democracy process following the coup attempt, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We have contacted our counterparts in 98 countries and 25 multinational business organizations.


We’ve engaged in informing other countries in order to combat rampant misinformation. We will be heading to China for the G20 meeting with the President of the Republic of Turkey tomorrow. The second important matter is preserving and increasing the trust of established investors. We’ve held two meetings to this end.


We first met with representatives of 300 foreign companies which have previously invested in Turkey, then with the President of the Republic of Turkey and Prime Minister along with the Chairpersons of our Chambers and Exchanges in 81 provinces. The third matter is that of reforms. Thankfully our economy did not receive a significant blow while enduring and overcoming the coup attempt.


It is the time to normalize the economy and take concrete steps. We need structural reforms and steps which will enable us to better compete in global markets now more than ever.”


- Employment mobilization


Stating that TOBB has begun a mobilization for the improvement of employment in Turkey with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that via TOBB’s chambers and exchanges in 81 provinces and 160 counties, the employee and intern needs of the business world will be determined while İŞKUR endeavors to fulfill these needs through the vocational training it provides. Being a part of this process will provide a myriad of benefits and incentives for employers and employees.


“We have also made progress in our endeavors to improve the business and investment environment through cooperation with the public administration. Of course, there are other improvements needed by the real sector as well; KOSGEB should enliven credit.


Limitations to the utilization of the Credit Guarantee Fund by SMEs should be eliminated by facilitating procedures regarding sureties.”


- Strong economy, quality democracy


Stating that TOBB has emphasized “Strong economy, quality democracy” for years, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that these two qualities are complementary; that it is impossible to have the one without the other. Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the understanding in the field of politics would reflect positively on and bring new momentum to the economy. He expressed their approval of the actions taken by the government to alleviate the situation for the private sector such as restructuring of tax and premium debts as well as facilitating stamp tax.


- Customs and Commerce Minister Tüfenkci


Speaking at the TOBB Joint Council Meeting, Tüfenkci stated that they would continue to cooperate with the business community.


Stating that the effects of the financial crisis are still observed throughout the world, Tüfenkci reported that the situation is getting worse in some countries.

Tüfenkci stated that the government is taking steps to support growth and said that incentives have been increased to this end.


- Council Chairs


TOBB Commodity Exchanges Council Chair Abdullah Özdemir, TOBB Maritime Trade Chambers Council Chair Sefer Kalkavan, TOBB Industry Chambers Council Chair Erdal Bahçıvan TOBB Chambers of Commerce Council Chair Ekrem Demirtaş and TOBB Chambers of Commerce and Industry Council Chair Osman Yıldırım also spoke during the meeting, pointing out issues facing the economy, chambers and exchanges and emphasizing the need for unity and solidarity; the need for refocusing on the economy as well as facilitating the use of financial tools for the private sector. 

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