Turkish Transportation and Logistics Assembly Determines Its Priorities



The agenda of Turkish Transportation and Logistics Assembly was the report prepared by the Subcommittee of the Assembly and edited by Prof. Dr. Füsun Ülengin, advisor of the Assembly. This study that includes short, medium and long term problems/solutions has been made to define the priorities of Turkish Transportation and Logistics Assembly. ​

​Short, medium and long term subject headings are;Short Term Subject Headingo Draft of Turkish Railway Framework Law and TCDD Law which will provide the structural change at Turkish Railway Transpost Bussinesso To assure the load of carriage to ferry at Bandırma Porto Connection Lines of Railwayso Railway vocational education o Arranging training and promotion activities on railway transportation o Postal Service Law Draft o Determination of Articles which are unexecuted at Custom Law and make effort to execute them o Prepare a report on the contribution of fuel exempt from excise tax and value added tax to the Turkish National Transportation Sector o To assure an common textbook on Vocational Qualification in education (ÜDY-ODY-SRC) o Sharing Public Vocational Qualification Exam Questions and responses with public (ÜDY-ODY-SRC)o To ensure the contribution of private sector to the decision making process of Ministriy of Transportation and Communication o Creation of singel authority to standardize and provide unanimity of works done for Logistic Centers/Village.   Mid-Term Subject Heading o Work on the problem lived in the shift of Elazığ-Tatvan, Divriği-Erzincan routeo To enact legislation (Labour Law) for transportation sector or to make legal regulation fort his purpose o Creation of feasibility document for Logistic Village in Turkey  o To constitute a regulatory infrastructure for Logistic Village Long-Term Subject Heading o Restructure of Urban Logistic Systems and activation or them

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