​“We are ready to contribute to Turkmenistan’s development push”


05.03.2013 İstanbul

Speaking at the Turkmenistan International Investment Forum, TOBB and DEİK President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they are ready to contribute to Turkmenistan’s development push as the Turkish business world. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Turkey and Turkmenistan are descendants of the same stock. Turkey, without petroleum or natural gas reserves, has come to this point with only enterprising spirit. The same spirit is present in my Turkmen brothers. I can honestly say that Turkey’s success is Turkmenistan’s success; Turkmenistan’s success is Turkey’s success. Focusing in great goals and great vision is behind these great successes.”


The Turkmenistan International Investment Forum, organized under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gül and the Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, which will last for two days has started at the İstanbul Golden Horn Congress Center. Attending the opening of the Forum with TOBB and DEİK President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu were Development Minister Cevdet Yılmaz, Turkmenistan Treasury Minister Dovletgeldi Sadykov, Turk-Turkmen Business Council President Sefa Gömdeniz and many businessmen. Presidents Gül and Berdimuhamedow participated with their messages.

Speaking at the opening of the Turkmenistan International Investment Forum, TOBB and DEİK President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu that, as TOBB and DEİK, they are working to further advance the relations between two brother countries and peoples with a shared history, language, religion and culture on the basis of “One nation, two states.”

Stating that relations have found new momentum under the leadership of the Turkmenistan President Berdimuhamedow and our President Gül, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “In 2012, on the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, our relations reached their highest point yet. Our bilateral trade volume has reached the 2 billion USD mark. Turkish contracting companies have undertaken 80 projects with a total value of 4.9 billion USD in Turkmenistan in 2012. Turkmenistan has become the country where Turkish contractors do the most business. We present our endless gratitude to the Hormetli Prezident Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow for putting trust in Turkish contractors and his support for them.”

- Eurasia’s global influence is increasing

Touching on the fact that as the world’s political and financial map is being reshaped, Eurasia’s global influence is rapidly increasing in the global economic order, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that as the global economic center of gravity shifts from the Atlantic to the Asia Pacific, Eurasia, situated between the rising Asia and Europe, is increasing in importance. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkmenistan, with its abundant natural resources and strategic position on the Caspian shore is an essential country.

Stating that as the Turkish business world, they heartily support and closely watch the ongoing reform, development strategies and foreign policy implementations in Turkmenistan, Hisarcıklıoğlu said:

“Our shared geography is once again becoming a center of attraction and the competition and cooperation along the Silk Road will shape the global prosperity and stability in the future.

As part of the newly forming global balance of power, Turkmenistan will be the shining star of the Silk Road with its natural and human resources.

We are closely following the Turkmenistan 2011-2030 National Socio-Economic Development Program implemented under the leadership of the Turkmenistan President Berdimuhamedow.

I believe that this development program and the reforms will make more efficient use of brother country Turkmenistan’s natural resources and strengthen its place among the global economy.”

Touching on Turkmenistan’s high growth rate, accumulation in the field of textiles, chemicals, energy and contracting and its industrial production capacity, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that Turkmenistan is the fastest developing country in terms of infrastructure in Central Asia, becoming a transit trade route.

- The importance of cooperation

Emphasizing that in order to advance the economies of Turkey and Turkmenistan even further, they need to work together, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkey can actualize the infra- and the super-structure projects in the field of construction.

- The Mutual Promotion of Investments Agreement will enliven relations

Stating that with the renewal of the Mutual Promotion and Protection of Investments Agreement signed in 1992 will enliven investment relations, Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined that they can contribute to Turkmenistan’s development process in the area of commerce. Reporting that they can provide any and all assistance for Turkmenistan’s World Trade Organization membership to this end, the TOBB President said, “Turkmenistan being party to the Economic Cooperation Organization which aims to facilitate trade between member states via the ECO Trade Agreement (ECOTA) will contribute to both the region’s economy and to Turkmenistan’s foreign trade.”

- The increasing trade between China and the West could be the key to Turkmenistan’s development

Pointing out that China’s exports to EU countries has increased by 60% between 2001 and 2011, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “This rapidly increasing trade between China and the West could be the key to Turkmenistan’s development. This trade being conducted on the Silk Road is a great opportunity for Turkmenistan to integrate into the global value chains.”

Announcing that they can work together to extend the railway between Turkey and Turkmenistan to China as well as extending the Kars-Tbilisi-Baku line to Turkmenistan via the Caspian Sea to this end, Hisarcıklıoğlu urged Turkmenistan to support İzmir’s candidacy for EXPO 2020.

- President Abdullah Gül

Participating in the Turkmenistan International Investment Forum for the endeavors of DEİK and Turk-Turkmen Business Council, organized under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gül and the Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, taking place at the İstanbul Golden Horn Congress Center via video conference President Abdullah Gül addressed the attendees.

Pointing out the unshakable bonds between the two countries, Gül said, “Turkmenistan is our ancestral homeland, Turkey is the home of all of us.”

Stating that they experience Turkmenistan’s joy and success as if it were Turkey’s, Gül said that he is happy and excited to see that relations built with this mindset are strengthening every day.

- Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow

Participating via a letter, Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow wished success for all attendees and said, “Turkmenistan’s neutrality is a necessity of our policy. The preservation of stability and the development of state economy in our country draws the attention of investors. Stating that businessmen will have access to a wide array of information on the rapidly developing fields of natural gas, construction, energy, finance, tourism, information technologies, agriculture and transportation, Berdimuhamedow extended his wish for success to those in attendance.

- Turkmenistan Treasury Minister Dovletgeldi Sadykov and Turk-Turkish Business Council President Sefa Gömdeniz

Turkmenistan Treasury Minister Dovletgeldi Sadykov provided information regarding Turkmenistan’s economy and the investment opportunities during his speech at the Forum, saying, “We are working to draw in foreign investment and acquire advanced technology. The mid to long term plan to develop our country is being actualized.”

Turk-Turkish Business Council President Sefa Gömdeniz, stating that Turkish companies have signed contracts for 4.9 billion USD in Turkmenistan during 2012 and heading for a record with over 3 billion USD signed in the first months of 2013, said, “I invite all businessmen to invest in Turkmenistan. I would like to thank everyone who participated and supported the Forum.”

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