Agreement for Turkish-Arab Chamber signed


24.11.2016 İstanbul

The Turkish-Arab Chamber, headquartered in İstanbul, has been established with the signing of a protocol between the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Union of Arab Chambers.

Speaking at the protocol signing ceremony, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that many businessmen from the Arab business community contacted him as soon as they learned of the coup attempt on July 15th, conveying messages of support Turkey.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkey and the Arab region have been neighbors for a thousand years, saying, “They shown once again that they are brothers to Turkey in good days and bad."

Hisarcıklıoğlu went on: “I hope that our neighborly relation will continue to thrive. Our relations are built on very strong historical ties stemming from being neighbors and brothers. Our civilizations and our cultures are intertwined. We are also very involved in the Arab region in the economic sense. The Arab region, located on the maritime ports of the historical Silk Road and the Turkish region through which the Silk Road travels have been the guarantee of the prosperity of this region throughout history. There is a great opportunity for these two regions to come closer and to become a wealth zone again. Because the region is undergoing troubles to which the only solution is us working together. "

 - “We are taking a historic step forward”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Union of Arab Chambers and TOBB are taking a historic step forward as the umbrella organizations of the private sectors of the Arab League countries and Turkey, “Our economic relations with the Arab region have improved significantly in recent years. Trade volume increased by 7.5 times in 15 years. Our trade volume with the Arabian region reached 47bn USD. An increase of 7.5 times in 15 years is terrific.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the number of tourists in Turkey from the Arabian region increased by 9 times and reached 3 million. Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that Turkish businessmen increased their direct investments into the Arab region by 36 times while Arab investors increased their direct investments in Turkey by 23 times, reaching 10bn USD.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the Turkish private sector is very enthusiastic about doing more business with the Arab world and that there is great potential before them, “The Arab League makes up only 8% of our total foreign trade and Turkey only makes up 1% of the Arab League’s foreign trade volume. There is a wide range of business that we can work and develop. In order to utilize this potential, we are establishing the Turkish-Arab Chamber.”

- “This will be the organization which puts out the red carpet for the businessmen of both parties”

Stating that the Arab League has a population of 390 million, an economy of 2.8 trillion USD and foreign trade volume of 2.7 trillion USD; Turkey has a population of 80 million, a national income of 720 billion USD, foreign trade volume of 350 billion USD and is the 7th largest economy of the world, Hisarcıklıoğlu went on:

“I’ve already told you how enthusiastic our businessmen are about mutual investment and commercialization. We have one more thing:  We are the industrial giant of our region, a giant in world tourism, and agricultural giant, a veritable giant in construction. We will take bigger steps but we have no capital. The Arab world has amassed great capital. At the same time, the Arab world is trying to leave its dependence on oil behind. It is not very obvious from the outside but there are industrialization and tourism moves being made in almost all of the Arab countries. There are emerging brands in finance telecommunication. The Turkish-Arab Chamber will bring the two sides together. We will bring together those with experience and those who are looking for new investment opportunities. We are establishing the Turkish-Arab Chamber together and opening up the gates of prosperity for both sides. This will be the organization which puts out the red carpet for the businessmen of both parties, the mutual contact point for both sides which facilitates all business relations, which can be consulted to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles to mutual investment and trade. If the people of this region are to prosper, it will be the businessmen who make it possible. The Turkish-Arab Chamber will be the guarantee of this.”

-The joint business call from the Arab business community

Calling for joint investment between Turkey and Arab countries, Union of Arab Chambers and Jordan Chamber of Commerce Chair, Senator Nael Al Kabariti said, “We are here to represent the Turkish and Arab private sector. We must find common points between Arab countries and Turkey and make joint investments that will increase employment. There is a great deal of unemployment in Arab countries. On either side we have to begin projects which will increase employment as soon as possible. We must increase employment. This also accelerates the socio-cultural development of nations. I think we can overtake the trade figures of the European Union.”

Al Kabariti, stated that look to the example of Turkey's upright stance and hard work and said, “We are in a very important country with its upright stance and hard work. We are drawing inspiration from Turkey and learning from its example. The events of July 15th are a very important. It showed how you stand up against a coup and how you stand against those who want to seize your country. The citizens of this country are very courageous and very multicultural.”

Al Kabariti stated that the meeting was a great opportunity and that it should be put to good use, “The establishment of the Turkish and Arab Chamber will take us to greater heights. Today changes everything. Although there may be small conflicts in some countries, these can be resolved in a short time. I think that we will be able to move on to the better things from here, starting from the historical importance of Turkey. We recognize that Turkey is a great power. We must begin work to remove all obstacles for Arab countries' investments in Turkey. We are expecting efforts from Turkish and Arab institutions to this end. We must discuss how we can strengthen cooperation between our countries in the construction sector. We see that Turkey's export figures are good and those of Arab countries are growing rapidly, but we have to work together to move on to greater heights.”

- We are awaiting Turkish construction companies

Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce and African Chamber of Unions President Ahmed Al Wakeel, emphasized that a very important foundation has been laid today for Turk-Arab relations and said, “The steps taken for investments and trade will accelerate development of both culture and society”

General Secretary of Jordan Investment Support Agency Mikhled Al Omari pointed out that they are open to all construction investments and invited Turkish businessmen to invest in construction in Jordan.

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