Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke about opportunities in employment and financing in Antalya


25.11.2016 Antalya

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, who participated in the Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Traditional Award Ceremony, pointed out the importance of protecting unity and solidarity and underlined the need to refocus on the economy and reforms in 2017. Hisarcıklıoğlu talked about one of the most important demands of business world in Antalya, means of access to opportunities regarding employment costs and finance.

At the award ceremony held at the Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, representatives of the business community who gave the most in taxes, who contributed the most to employment, exports and production were awarded. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu gave a message of unity and solidarity in his address at the event. Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that if unity is preserved, all problems could be solved, “Because unity brings success. We say there is grace and prosperity in unity; anguish in dissent. When all the institutions act together in Antalya, it always works well. Antalya has become Turkey’s most cherished center in tourism. It is also a leading province in the fields of fruit and vegetable production, greenhouse agriculture and floriculture. How did Antalya manage all this? Who did it? This was accomplished with the efforts and enthusiasm of the entrepreneurial people who are present in this hall.”

- The Credit Guarantee Fund has increased its power. Respite Credit arriving

Stating that 2 important steps in financing are about to enter into effect, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The Treasury's support to the Credit Guarantee Fund (KGF) has increased from 1 billion to 2 billion. We have expanded our scope. Eximbank and KOSGEB provide surety for the support. You do not need to go to the KGF, it has agreements with 21 banks. Contact the bank you want to draw credit from. Let us vouch for you. We are approaching the end of TOBB Respite Credit, too. It’s a credit with a year maturity, 9.9 percent interest rate with surety from the KGF.

An important issue in financing was in regards to cheques. We took three important steps. First we were the patrons for the invention of the QR coded cheque. Now, the square check is becoming mandatory. The entire financial history of the check will be visible. Thirdly, prison sentences ranging from 1 to 6 months for unlawful use of cheques. This way, we will restore the reputation of cheques as a financial tool. Finally we’ve achieved something our whole community can be proud of. As TOBB and the Chamber-Exchange community, broke the record for aid in the solidarity campaign for July 15th Martyrs. In 81 provinces, we collected 54mn TRY. We have provided a quarter of the total aid. We presented the charity to the President himself. With the efforts and contributions of Antalya TSO, Antalya was a part of the 10 provinces that gathered the most aid.”

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