"It is not what people in my country say, but what the people say"



TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking at the 2016 Industry Night organized by the Kayseri Chamber of Industry, pointing out that the Presidential Abdullah Gül Museum and Library was opened, “Those who visit this museum will once again realize that, in my country, the child of a lathe worker can becomes a prime minister or president. The son of a captain called ‘couldn’t even be a village headman’ in my country can be the Mayor of Istanbul, the prime minister or even the president. Because it is not what a few people say, but what the nation says; it is what democracy says.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and 11th President of the Republic Abdullah Gül for their support to the business community.

The TOBB President stated that there is a fact that everyone in the hall is personally a witness to, “In the past, Turkey's economy entered a new course with the stability and reform environment provided in your leadership. Turkish private sector has played its part in this process and also showed what could be achieved. We increased our national income 3 times, our exports 4 times. We have written a global success story in many sectors. We have become the regional industry giant between Italy and China. We are one of the leading countries in the world in tourism and contracting. We encountered obstacles but we did not stop. Kayseri was one of the driving forces of Turkey in this process. Since the global crisis of 2009, in only the last 7 years, employment in Turkey increased by 57%. Employment increased by 58% in Kayseri. The number of workplaces in Turkey increased by 45% while the number of businesses in Kayseri increased by 54%. Exports in Turkey increased by 47% in the last 7 years, they increased by 61% in Kayseri. The business community in this room, the industrialists, have made great contributions to this success story. I congratulate each of you individually.

Throughout this whole process, we faced many coup attempts targeting our economy and stability. We experienced the most brutal of these on July 15th, the night of the treacherous FETO coup attempt. The coup traitors encountered the insight and courage of our nation, and failed. First I praise Allah for helping us. I would like to express my gratitude to the President of the Republic of Turkey for your leadership. I would like to thank the Prime Minister, our 11th President, political party leaders, the veteran Parliament, media, non-governmental organizations and all Turkish citizens on behalf of the Turkish private sector. I pray once again to all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the future of our nation. On July 15th, our chamber and exchange community once again showed how our linked to national values ​​and the tradition of Akhism. You already know it very well. On the night of July 15th, it was TOBB chamber and exchange community that put forth the first and strongest message against the coup. I would like to point out once more that we stand with the government in the fight against FETO, PKK, DAESH and all terrorist organizations as Turkish business community.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the business community is going through difficult times and that they are experiencing great uncertainty stemming from global developments in the recent period. 

Hisarcıklıoğlu, noted that developing countries felt of these effects more, saying, “We are never pessimistic as a business community. As the TOBB President, after July 15th, I’ve personally met with business community leaders and presidents of all international business organizations in more than 60 countries. We’ve lobbied for our country and I told all of them, 'Think of a country: There are conflicts in all the countries around it, there are civil wars, it hosts 3 million refugees through its own means. It fights global terrorist organizations, conducting international military operations. Undergoes two elections and survives a coup attempt. Can you tell me one country in the world that will survive under these conditions, will continue to grow its economy, will not have its social life affected?’ There is no country other than Turkey that can do it; there is no other nation that can accomplish it. Allah willing, no force can stop the rise of this nation. That is why I say that those who invest in Turkey will never lose.”

- “We will be the solution to the problems of our 80,000 SMEs”

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the government put great on importance economic reforms and explained that TOBB is working closely with the government.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that some of the packages were disclosed and some of them will be announced in the future, saying, “We, the private sector, are contributing to the policy of reducing the interest rates proposed by the President of the Republic of Turkey.” SMEs are using loans with interest rates between 15% and 18%.They can’t breathe for the pressure of interest rates. With the support of our President and the Prime Minister, we are working with the Minister. As TOBB, we have combined the resources of our 365 chambers and commodity exchanges. Working with Ziraat Bank and Denizbank with 9.9 interest rate per year, the Credit Guarantee Fund will vouch for 85% of the loans that SMEs will utilize from said banks. SMEs will have access to loans totaling 5bn TRY. TOBB Respite credit will provide SMEs with a one year term loan with 0.83 interest per month. Within 3 months, we will have about 80 thousand SMEs. We will not allow SMEs to be crushed under interest rates. I hope that after this step all the banks will follow. I would like to thank the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the members of the government for all their support.”

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