Joint declaration against terror by 8 civil society organizations


12.12.2016 Ankara

The Turkish wing of the Turkey-European Union Joint Consultative Committee, comprised of TÜRK-İŞ, TİSK, TESK, TZOB, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, Turkey KAMU-SEN and TOBB, made a joint statement regarding the terror attack on Turkey in İstanbul.

The joint statement read by TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu is as follows:


“Today, we stand before you as the Turkish Trade Union Confederation (TÜRK-İŞ), the Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TİSK), the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), the Turkish Union of Agricultural Chambers (TZOB), Rights-Workers Syndicates Confederation (HAK-İŞ), Public Servants Syndicates Confederation (MEMUR-SEN), Confederation of Public Servants Union of Turkey (KAMU-SEN) and Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB).


We come together as professional and civil society organizations, organized in every region of Turkey, representing all parts of society.


Unfortunately a great deal of pain was inflicted on our nation on Saturday night. Terror once again reared its heinous face. We are deeply saddened. We pray for the grace of Allah upon our nation’s martyrs, with the most recent being the victims of the attack in İstanbul, the day before blessed Mawlid An-Nabi; we pray for the quick recovery of the wounded.


As you are aware, our country is fighting against terrorism attacks both at home and abroad on a scale hitherto unseen in the world. A foul game targeting our country is in progress. To avoid falling into this trap, we say, ‘One voice, one heart, against terror’ in protecting our unity.


We stand together against terror and those who would have us kneel, to surrender. We will not allow terrorism to darken our future. We will not fall for this. Today is a day of unity.


We, as the Turkey-EU Joint Consultative Committee Turkey Wing, will preserve our country's unity, prosperity and future. We are always ready to fulfill our responsibilities for preserving public order, the protection of freedoms and the rule of law. We support all necessary legal measures against terrorism.


We condemn all terrorist organizations, especially the PKK, DAESH and FETO, who seek to attack unity and solidarity of our country. We condemn those who support terrorism and those who hope to gain by it.


Allah willing, we will overcome these troubles with our government’s strong stance. Our state will call those responsible for this suffering into account. We, as a nation, will come together and elevate unity and solidarity. These treacherous and lowly attacks will not break our government and our nation. Those who hope to gain by terrorism and chaos will never attain their goals.


Those who aim to frighten us with terror would do well to know that we will not leave our country to these lowlifes. Because we have the courage and stamina to overcome all trials and tribulations. This last treacherous attack will not cast shadow on our determination to fight terror. The Turkish nation has always been united in the face of savages. This solidarity will uphold our government today as it has in the past and preserve our homeland against terror.


We, as all parts of society, stand behind our government and security forces until the end; stand with our noble Turkish nation. We will see the days when peace and prosperity dominate in every part of our country. For those of us who have bound our fates to this land; those of us who share a common past; those of us who look forward to a common future, and believe in brotherhood, this land will remain forever our country. May Allah elevate the strength and patience of every individual who loves their homeland; may our unity stand strong.”

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