NGOs’ joint reaction in Kayseri against terrorism


18.12.2016 Kayseri

NGOs and profession organizations representing different parts of society, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, MÜSİAD, TEMAD, TESK, TİM, TİSK, TÜRK-İŞ, TBB, TÜMSİAD, TÜGİAD, TÜRMOB, TÜRKİYE KAMUSEN, TÜRKONFED, TÜSİAD, TOBB and TZOB conducted condolatory visits following the treacherous terrorist attack in Kayseri.

On behalf of the delegation, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu read out a press statement at the Kayseri Chamber of Industry, stating that the government is in an unprecedented fight against terrorist organizations both at home and abroad, “Of course, the perpetrators of this anguish will be called to account. As a citizen, our duty is to be one voice, one heart against terror which seeks to subdue us. Throughout this process, we must be careful of traps and provocations. We mustn’t be rise to the bait.”

The full statement read by Hisarcıklıoğlu is as follows:

"Turkish Confederation of Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ), Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), Confederation Public Servants Unions (MEMUR-SEN), Confederation of HAK-İşçi Syndicates (HAK-İŞ), Turkish Union of Agricultural Chambers (TZOB), Turkish Employers Syndicates Confederation (TİSK), Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (TÜSİAD), Confederation of Public Servants Union of Turkey (KAMU-SEN), Turkish Retired Officers Association (TEMAD), Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD) the Association of Independent Industrialists and Businessmen (MUSIAD), the Association of All Industrialists and Businessmen (TÜMSİAD), the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TURKONFED), the Turkish Association of Certified Public Accountants and Certified Public Accountants (TÜRMOB) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB).

Unfortunately, those who want to disturb the peace of our nation yesterday, once again reared their ugly face in the peaceful city of Kayseri. They did the only thing they know how to do. We suffered a terrorist attack. We pray for the grace of Allah upon our soldiers who were martyred during attack, the heroic sons of this country. We extend our condolences to our nation. We hope that for the rapid recover of the survivors of the attack.

We sent off our martyrs from Kayseri this morning. We conducted condolatory visits. Now we're here with all our friends. 

Our country is going through a very critical phase. There are foul games afoot around our country. All of the terrorist organizations such as PKK, DAESH and FETO, which are unaffiliated with each other, are targeting our country at the same time. Our unity and solidarity is under attack by acts of terror. First, the coup attempt of July 15th, then the treasonous attack on our police in Istanbul last week, and our soldiers in Kayseri yesterday.

Very few nations in the world have weathered such a degree of vile and grievous treachery. But they are not succeeding; and the more they fail, the more violent they become.

What they can’t account for is that the more they target our police and our troops, this nation becomembraces its police and the soldiers even more. The more they attack, the more united this nation stands. We’ve been on these lands for a thousand years. In a thousand years, we've seen all kinds of treachery. But all traitors have at the end been rooted out and called to account, their foul traps dismantled. We’ve always preserved our unity and integrity.

Those malicious interests should know that our nation stands united and firm; of one body and one heart; ready to foil their heinous plans.

We remind you once more: Terrorist organizations have no race, religion, sect, ideology. Terrorist organizations are soldiers who have sold themselves out to their masters.

Our government is in an unprecedented fight against terrorist organizations both at home and abroad. Of course, the perpetrators of this anguish will be called to account. As a citizen, our duty is to be one voice, one heart against terror which seeks to subdue us. Throughout this process, we must be careful of traps and provocations. We mustn’t be rise to the bait.

True patriotism is doing what those who hope to profit from terror fear the most: That is to stand ever more in unity and solidarity than ever. This is a day to be one, to be great and to be lively. We will not break apart, we will unite. We, profession and NGOs representing all parts of Turkey, are also doing this. We stand for unity, prosperity and future of our country.

We state it clearly: Countries which do not put distance themselves from terrorist organizations; who harbor members of terrorist organizations can have no say in regards to democracy, law, or the human rights. We stand with our government and our security forces as all sections of society; we stand with the blessed Turkish nation. They have failed and they will not succeed. May Allah fortify the streng the and patience of all patriots.”

- Condolatory visits

The delegation attended the ceremony held at the Kayseri 12th Air Transportation Main Base Command for the martyrs who were sent to their home cities. Afterwards, the delegation visited Kayseri Mayor Mustafa Çelik to extend their condolences.

The delegation also visited the site of the attack, leaving flowers and praying for the martyrs.

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