Manavgat CCI Tourism Faculty opened


24.12.2016 Antalya

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke at the opening ceremony of the Akdeniz University Manavgat Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tourism Faculty and stated that the economy of a city improves thanks to unity and solidarity, saying that he wants to see this unity and solidarity in Antalya all over Turkey.

The Akdeniz University Manavgat Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tourism Faculty was opened with a ceremony attended by Foreign Affairs Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Antalya Governor Münir Karaloğlu, CHP Antalya PM Deniz Baykal, CHP Deputy Chairman Çetin Osman Budak, MHP Deputy Chairman Mehmet Günal, Antalya Metropolitan Deputy Mayor Mesut Kocagöz, Rector of Akdeniz University Dr. Mustafa Ünal, Manavgat Mayor Şükrü Sözen and Manavgat Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Ahmet Boztaş.


TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that it is his sixth visit to Manavgat, “Thankfully, every visit has been for a good cause. When we arrived last year, together with the minister, we laid the foundation of Manavgat CCI Tourism Faculty. This year, Allah seen fit to allow us to open the facility together.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that this region is the heart of tourism and has Turkey’s highest hosting capacity with 250,000 beds.


TOBB President reported that Manavgat hosts a third of all tourists coming to Antalya, “It adds 5 billion USD to the GDP annually. In other words, Manavgat is reducing Turkey's current deficit by 5 billion USD. If this to be taught in school, it should be done here first. Here, Manavgat CCI has shouldered the burden. It was very important for the future of Manavgat; they’ve taken many visionary steps. They’ve accomplished something which Manavgat has been waiting for a long time. They worked with such enthusiasm and determination that they completed the work which was scheduled to finish in 24 months in only 10 months instead. I'm proud of my chamber. I hope they will become Turkey's number one Tourism Faculty in little time. Then there is the University. I trust the Manavgat CCI and management. I am sure they will take on this job as well.”


Responding to questions on what it is exactly the chambers do, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “This is a step which will bring 5 million tourists to 15 million to make Manavgat the world's best tourist destination. This is investing not only in the city, but also in the future of this country. I would like to thank the Manavgat CCI President Ahmet Boztaş, the administration and the council.


I thank you not just for this service. Manavgat CCI has become accredited. It has become a 5-star chamber. They are in putting in great effort enrich Manavgat. They are integrating the local values ​​of Manavgat into the economy. Two months ago, I visited YÖREX personally, the biggest regional fair in Turkey, in Antalya. The minister was also there. Manavgat's Golden Sesame, Olive Oil, Belenobası Watermelon, Pomegranate, Daphne and especially the Manavgat Banana which has developed rapidly in the last 2 years, introduced throughout the country. I hope no labor will be lost. Manavgat, with agriculture and tourism, will reach greater heights.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that there is grace and prosperity in unity; anguish and dissent, “There is a great unity in all of these endeavors. The Governor, Mayor, the chamber, ruling and opposition parties, here, together. They’ve brought forth a new achievement for Manavgat. You guys come together on top of every problem.”


Emphasizing that Turkey is hopeful for the future, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that, in this most difficult region of the world, only Turkey has stood for a thousand years; that they will do the better and that is necessary is to protect this spirit by preserving unity and solidarity.


Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu for his work, “He has worked for years to strengthen Turkey's image and place in Europe. He was the first Turk elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union. He has undertaken critical missions such as the EU Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry. He is one of the architects of Antalya and Manavgat improving their relations with Russia, which is of critical importance. You can’t be too proud of your townsman. He has never become cut off from his land and country. As the Turkish private sector, whenever we have a demand he has always been with our community. For example, we have been providing support to the credit guarantee fund for the tourism sector which has had a difficult time this year. He has stood by every good work done here. He is here with us again today.”


- Minister of Foreign Affairs Çavuşoğlu


Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said that they are opening the faculty the foundations of which they laid a year ago.


Çavuşoğlu thanked MATSO for its support and achievements and expressed that all obstacles were abolished when unity and solidarity are achieved; that the construction of the tourism faculty was completed within ten months.


Stating that Manavgat shows the difference of Antalya, Cavusoglu, stated that the departments of the tourism faculties are needed by the Turkish tourism sector.


- Other speakers


CHP Antalya Deputy Deniz Baykal, Manavgat Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Ahmet Boztas, Manavgat Mayor Şükrü Sözen and Akdeniz University Rector Dr. Mustafa Ünal


After the conversation, the plaques were given to the people who worked in the construction of the faculty and the ribbon was cut.

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