Employment call supported by İŞKUR in the business world


16.01.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke at the Service Point Protocol at İŞKUR, calling on all companies to take advantage of this opportunity, emphasizing that the government has put in place substantial support for employment.

The İŞKUR Service Point Protocol, which will be established between the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the General Directorate of the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) with the goal of opening İŞKUR Service Points in chambers and commodity exchanges, was signed in Ankara. At the signing ceremony, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Minister of Labor and Social Security. Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, İŞKUR General Manager Mehmet Ali Özkan and 81 provincial İŞKUR provincial administrators participated.

“The time has come to normalize the economy and take concrete steps,” said the TOBB President, “It has become even more important, especially in such a period, to do positive work and to promote the health of the Turkish economy, both to our people and to the world.”

To this end Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that the TOBB Respite Credit aims to provide SMEs oppressed under the interest rate pressure with access to finances with an annual interest rate of 9.9%.

-A new breakthrough in employment

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, TOBB and İŞKUR initiated a new breakthrough in strengthening the employment-friendly growth of the Turkish economy, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that chambers and commodity exchanges will promote and inform their employers about İŞKUR activities in 81 provinces and 160 counties. “Our Chambers and Commodity Exchanges will become service points. Business and career counselors of İŞKUR will work in our Chambers and Commodity Exchanges. So we will have taken the service to the employer and the unemployed. The time of seeking solutions from Ankara or headquarters will be over and time to resolution will be dramatically shortened.” Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the protocol they signed was related to this issue. The TOBB President said, “I have a request of the SGK Provincial Directors. Provide guidance on employment incentives for SMEs in the business community. Provide them with information regarding employment incentives that they may benefit from but are not doing so. This will enable our endeavors to bear fruit and aid the business community.”

- 3 good news for employment

Hisarcıklıoğlu, reporting that the troubles in employment for the business community were conveyed to both the Prime Minister and the Minister, stated that the pleas of the business community are quickly taken into account and acted upon by the government. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The Prime Minister made an announcement on the 2nd of December at the EKK, giving three good news for employment. SGK premiums to be paid in December 2016 and January-February 2017 will be free of interest until October-November-December 2017. The employers who will provide new employment in the medium and high technology sectors will receive half of the minimum wage for one year and up to 25 percent for the second year. 500,000 people will be employed in the private sector with the İŞKUR programs, especially the On-Site Training Program.

What should we do as the business community? Invest more in the future of our country. I'm calling on the whole business community. While our Government, Labor and Social Security While our Ministry, İŞKUR and SGK, give the private sector so much support in this way, it is up to us to reciprocate their efforts. And here I urgethe business community, our members; I say, 'Provide employment for the future of Turkey'. Provide this to the furthest extent possible. If your means are limited employ one person, if possible ten or even a hundred.

İŞKUR is paying the salary of the person you hire, paying for insurance. There is no cost to you. Come, employ an unemployed brother, share your bread.”

- Minister of Labor and Social Security Müezzinoğlu

In his speech, Labor and Social Security Minister Mehmet Müezzinoğlu said in regards to the unemployment rate of October 2016, as announced by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), “We must bring this to below 10% as soon as possible. If we can’t strengthen the dynamics of the country, we can’t have confidence in ourselves.”

Müezzinoğlu emphasized that they are aware of the difficulties in disability employment in the “dangerous” and “very dangerous” classes. "We aim to address the difficulties experienced in disability employment to different dimensions with new projects because saying, ‘That’s the law, do whatever to conform or you will be punished,’ is not a policy you can take very far.”

İŞKUR Deputy General Manager Mehmet Ali Ozkan said that unemployment is one of the most important problems of the world and that the solution to this problem can be achieved with the cooperation of every sector of the society.

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