Call for Turkish companies to do business in Qatar


17.01.2017 Doha / Qatar

Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), stated that an investment of 140 billion USD is expected in Qatar by 2022 and said, “We want a larger share. Our companies shouldn’t miss this opportunity, the way is open for us.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke with press members with Sheikh Khalifa bin Jassim Al Thani, President of Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as part of his visit to Qatar's capital, Doha.

Pointing out that the Gulf and Arab region are very important for Turkey, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that businessmen want investments to take place in this region.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, who attended the 2nd SME Conference in Qatar, reported that about 400 businessmen from the two countries are in attendances and that during his reception by Prime Minister Abdullah bin Nasir Al Sani of Qatar, he had told him that there would be good news for a new project with regards to Turkey.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the new project would be announced by the Prime Minister.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that there is no other example of economic and political relations between Qatar and Turkey in the world and expressed that the two countries acted as a single state in every matter including foreign policy, not just in terms of common interests.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Qatar has given great support to Turkey in the fight against the Fetullah-ist Terrorist Organization (FETO) and said, “They do not harbor anybody especially related to FETO in their country. Especially after the coup attempt, there was a great negative perception about the Turkish economy abroad. There are those who knowingly pushed this perception.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu also provided information about the investments of Qatari companies in Turkey. He reported that Commercial Bank Qatar has purchased Alternatifbank, Qatar National Bank has purchased Finansbank, and Qatar Armed Forces Industry Committee were jointly in the possession of 49% of BMC. Mayhoola Investment has a 31% share in Boyner Group; Bein Media Group has acquired Digiturk; Al Sraiya Holding has 49% share of Mado; Qatar Holding 40% share of Banvit; Qatari Diar is investing in Sea Pearl Ataköy in İstanbul.

Hisarcıklıoğlu went on, “An investment of approximately 6.5 billion USD is in question. Recently, the Qatar government has provided advantages to Turkish contractors in large construction projects. Turkey-Qatar will do bigger things together in the coming period. We have a three-stage plan. First, increase trade between Turkey and Qatar. Second, ensure more Qatari companies become commercial partners for our companies. Third, Qatar’s economic transformation program for 2030. They want to be a strong country in manufacturing industry and tourism. We also want to share our experience in this regard. We want to invest in industrial facilities in Qatar with the support of Qatari capital. We want to continue contracting projects. The 2022 World Cup matches will be played in Qatar. This is very important for us. FIFA World Cup will be held in a Muslim country for the first time.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his call for Turkish construction sector to invest in Qatar, said, “Up to 2022, an investment of 140 billion USD is projected for Qatar. We want a larger share. Our companies shouldn’t miss this opportunity, the way is open for us. Qatar-Turkey cooperation is a business model that can be a role model for the world.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Qatar started to focus on SMEs. SMEs also realized the start of industrialization in Turkey. Today's SMEs are the industrial giants tomorrow. We have the experience; you have the money. Qatar has its 2030 plan. We shouldn’t just look at Qatar but consider it as a gateway to the entire African continent. Geography offers great opportunities.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu also pointed out that there is great potential in tourism, service and hospitality sectors in Qatar.

- The cost of the new seaborne road to be built by the Turkish company is 7 billion USD

Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Al Thani said that Prime Minister Al Sani wanted a second Turkish hospital after the first one in Qatar.

Al Thani stated that Turkey-Qatar trade volume has increased in recent years and noted that there is close cooperation between Turkey and Qatar in economic, political and security fields. Al Thani said that they wanted to move towards production, industrialization and petroleum products as a part of the 2030 goals of Qatar and that they wanted to develop small and medium sized industry to this end. Al Thani also noted that the Free Trade Agreement, which is expected to be signed between the Gulf states, will provide Qatar with the necessary support it needs.

Stating that Turkish companies have successfully undertaken important projects in Qatar, Al Thani said that they gave priority to Turkish companies, “All Turkish companies are successful, and there are examples. TEKFEN completed the northern highway successfully. The cost of the new seaborne route by the same company is 7 billion USD

Some projects have already been given to Turkish companies. I hope that a large portion of the other part will also be granted. The as-yet-unannounced project will also be a part of this.”

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