Hisarcıklıoğlu celebrated March 14th Doctor’s Day


13.03.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his March 14th Doctor’s Day address, stated that the health sector is an indispensable area for all humanity and that employees in this sector also undertake a sacred duty.

Hisarcıklıoğlu's message is as follows:

“The medical community, which demands great sacrifice and serves a sacred and honorable endeavor in human health, has a special place in the heart of our entire nation. We owe our gratitude to those who work day and night for a single healthy breath.

It is a fact that the level of development of the health sector of a society is an indication of the level of value put on human life. Improvements made in this field on our country every day also make us happy and proud. Let's not forget that a strong and well-equipped health sector is the herald of a healthy and beautiful future.

The most concrete demonstration of our commitment to the medical world as the umbrella organization of the Turkish business world is the establishment of the TOBB ETU Hospital followed by the TOBB ETU Faculty of Medicine. This is a field which we strive to be among the best in Turkey and the world.

With these feelings and thoughts, I celebrate the March 14th Doctor’s Day.”

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