We will never forget the heroes who wrote the Çanakkale epic


17.03.2017 Ankara

In his address for the anniversary of the March 18th Martyrs Memorial Day and the 102nd anniversary of the Çanakkale Naval Victory, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the heroes who wrote the Çanakkale epic would never be forgotten, “This victory is the declaration to the world that we will never accept defeat even under the harshest condition.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu's message is as follows:

“The Dardanelles Victory, one of the most illustrious pages of our glorious history, is one which has won the admiration of the whole world.

In addition to being a military victory, it is the result of the conviction of a nation, from 7 to 70. It is the best example of a nation’s belief in its soldier, knowing that it is impossible to exist without independence.

The Gallipoli wars are rare examples of wars in which defenders defeat their attackers.

Those who gave their lives for their homeland left great honor and pride for the generations which followed them.

We know well that we owe our present to our martyrs in the Turkish War of Independence, especially in the Dardanelles.

History teaches us that we can repay our heroic ancestors, our debt to our martyrs, but only by defending this paradise homeland against all enemies and by elevating our country to the most advanced position in the path of civilization, as the Veteran Great Leader Mustafa Kemal directs us.

We can repay it by preserving our unity and solidarity in the face of all plots and ploys.

On behalf of the Turkish business community, with these thoughts and feelings, I salute the sacrifice of the martyrs of Çanakkale and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk once more with gratitude.”

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