Producing Turkey Speaks in Adana


01.04.2017 Adana

The second meeting of “Producing Turkey Speaks” meetings was held Adana. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Customs and Commerce Bülent Tüfenkci and TOBB, HAK-İŞ, TESK, MEMUR-SEN, TİSK, TÜRK-İŞ, Turkey KAMU-SEN, TZOB, ASKON, MÜSİAD, TİM, TÜGİAD, TÜGİK, TÜMSİAD and TÜRKONFED directors and representatives.

Reading the joint proclamation, TESK Chairman Bendevi Palandöken stated that Turkey has left a difficult year behind, talking about the importance of unity and solidarity in this difficult time. Stating that they are in Adana to listen to the troubles and wishes of producers Palandöken said, “You will have the final word. You will discuss the economy of Adana, the region and Turkey. You will freely express all your expectations and wishes.”


The joint proclamation read by Palandöken is as follows:


“Lead by the Ministry of Customs and Commerce, we are here as Turkey –EU Joint Consultative Committee members HAK-İŞ, TESK, MEMUR-SEN, TİSK, TOBB, TÜRK-İŞ, Turkey KAMU-SEN, TZOB as well as the NGOs ASKON, MÜSİAD, TİM, TÜGİAD, TÜGİK, TÜMSİAD and TÜRKONFED


As you know, we’ve left a difficult year behind us. Terrorist organizations such as the PKK, DAESH, and FETÖ, which are not related to each other, targeted our country during the same period. The treacherous coup attempt of FETÖ caused many troubles for my country. The region around us has become a complete circle of fire. Any other country would have folded if they went what we went through. But we stand strong. Thank Allah we have shown the world that we will not be defeated no matter how many players move against us.


- New uncertainties in global economy


Risks in the global economy are increasing. Uncertainty in the global economy began with Brexit, then with a new US President. We are entering a different era in which global balances are reforming. Those prepare will be the winners of the future. Countries which make good preparations will continue on their way as soon as the dust is settled. For this, we need new structural reforms and steps that will elevate us to the global level. That's why we have to tighten the ranks inside while the outside gets worse. This is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder. Workers, employers, producers and public officials should all work together.


- Speak and we will listen


We are holding the second Producing Turkey Speaks meeting in Adana because it is very important to the prosperity of the Adana – Çukurova region as well as the Mediterranean.


The Mediterranean Region by itself has more hosting capacity than some nations in the world. It stands at the crossroads of the world’s energy and transportation paths.  This region is a strong contender to the Marmara region in terms of prosperity. We have a great opportunity. We have a great understanding, In the past, our politicians talked and we listened. Now the opposite is true. Our politicians say, 'Let's talk, we'll listen.' You tell us and we'll enact reforms. This is exactly what we will do today at the 'Producing Turkey Speaks' meeting.


Our ministers will have their opening addresses. They will provide information on some issues. Then we will come down from the stage and you will have your say. You will express all your expectations and wishes freely. At the end of the meeting, our ministers will be back with you. They will listen to your views. We will take these results in detail later on. In other words, my dear friends, 'Producer Adana' will talk; the government will listen to my quarrels.”


- Minister Tüfenkci


Customs and Trade Minister Bülent Tüfenkci also stated that the “Producing Turkey Speaks” meetings which they plan to bring together the actors of the economy, will show more willingness to produce in Turkey.


Stating that  despite everything Turkey has managed 2.9% growth, and that it was projected that a 4.5% growth would have been observed without the coup attempt of July 15th.


- EU Minister Ömer Çelik


EU Minister and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik expressed their pleasure in seeing job-providers at the meeting. Çelik stated that Adana is a capital of trade, industry and agriculture.

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