Producer Turkey spoke in Bursa


08.04.2017 Bursa

The third meeting of “Producing Turkey Speaks” meetings was held Bursa. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Customs and Commerce Bülent Tüfenkci and TOBB, HAK-İŞ, TESK, MEMUR-SEN, TİSK, TÜRK-İŞ, Turkey KAMU-SEN, TZOB, ASKON, MÜSİAD, TİM, TÜGİAD, TÜGİK, TÜMSİAD and TÜRKONFED directors and representatives.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, who made a joint declaration on behalf of the NGOs, stated that they are very happy to be together in the Ottoman heritage capital Bursa and said, “We are pleased to welcome you to the Producing Turkey Speaks Bursa meeting. We are; The working and producing parts of our country; We are here today to represent craftsmen, farmers, workers, officers, employers and entrepreneurs. In the leadership of our Ministry of Customs and Commerce; Turkey-EU Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) The non-governmental organizations of HAK-IS, MEMUR-SEN, TESK, TİSK, TOBB, TÜRK-İŞ, Turkey KAMU-SEN, TZOB and business community NGOs; ASKON, MUSIAD, TIM, TÜGİAD, TÜGİK, TÜMSİAD and TÜRKONFED.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that they had left behind a difficult year, Terrorist organizations such as the PKK, DAESH, and FETÖ, which are not related to each other, targeted our country during the same period. The treacherous coup attempt of FETÖ caused many troubles for my country. The region around us has become a complete circle of fire. Any other country would have folded if they went what we went through. But we stand strong. Thank Allah we have shown the world that we will not be defeated no matter how many players move against us.”


- “A day to stand shoulder to shoulder”


Risks in the global economy are increasing. Uncertainty in the global economy began with Brexit, then with a new US President. We are entering a different era in which global balances are reforming. Those prepare will be the winners of the future. Countries which make good preparations will continue on their way as soon as the dust is settled. For this, we need new structural reforms and steps that will elevate us to the global level. That's why we have to tighten the ranks inside while the outside gets worse. This is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder. Workers, employers, producers and public officials should all work together.


- “We have a great understanding”


Bursa and the Marmara region is the most cosmopolitan region of Turkey. Hisarcıklıoğlu continued, “We have a terrific human presence. This is the region where Turkey has started to industrialize and teaches Turkey to the world. This region is also leading the way to high technology. At the same time we are a great agricultural center. We have very fertile soil and products. We also have a great potential in tourism as a region. So we say that if Bursa grows, Marmara grows; Turkey grows. I hope we will do this together.


Here we have a great opportunity. We have a great understanding. In the past, our politicians talked and we listened. Now the opposite is true. Our administrators say, “You talk, we’ll listen. You tell us and we will reform.” That's exactly what we are here for today.


Our ministers will make their opening speeches. Then we will come down to the floor, and you will have your say. You will consult on the economy of Bursa and the Region. You will state all your requests. At the end of the meeting, our ministers will be back with you. They will listen to the results of the meeting, your ideas. We will take these results in detail later on. So my dear friends, "Producer Bursa" will talk, will listen to my authority.


This is actually an understanding of the world. Mr. Gümrük Ticaret Bakanımız, the pioneer in this business, We sincerely thank Bülent Tüfenkçi.


We believe in the power of common reason and consensus. Counseling brings stability. Stability also brings trust. In the coming new era, we must maintain confidence and stability. We believe that if we maintain unity and solidarity, we will emerge stronger from this period. Hopefully, we will put our country among the world's largest economies. When this is over, I salute you.”

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